Block 5 of 9 (a)

SudokuTM Box 5 of 9 (bottom right)
_9_ToobzYou are teleported to a small pool of Water in an inverted 'T' shape.
You hear something like "I'm gonna get you!" and immediately take your fighting stance. By now (dear solver) you are aware that there is a need for lotz of Goo ... and that a Grunt that drownz leavez behind no Goo. So when you and your opponent are into the 'red zone' on health, you back up and partake of the can of Zap Cola behind you ... then finish off your enemy.

Your return Red Warp is in the Water southwest of you.
But you see thingz to the west of interest, such as a keg of Zap Cola.
On your way to the refreshmentz, you activate a Black One-Time Switch .
(You may not see what it did, but (rest assured) it helpz out your team.)
Right after draining the keg, you notice the (not so) Secret Switch next to you. What is the 'standard procedure' when one encounterz something unknown ... or potentially hazardous? Right!
Now that you have SAVEd, you step on the Switch.
If you were quick enough, the result is that you acquire two Coinz.

You may lounge around the Pool for a while ... or you could just dive through your return Red Warp.
_7_GooberStrawYou have determined where you should be, and followed close behind (but not too close!) your buddy with the odd looking duck head toward your place. You stop where he disappeared, wondering if another Wormhole will appear.
After a suitable amount of time, you take your place, and find yourself nose-to-nose with your return Red Warp ... and fresh Goo bubbling under it.
So you just "police up the area" and dive through your return Red Warp.