The 'Training' Block (d)
Gruntz |
SudokuTM Box 1 of 9 (top left) |
8 Gravity Bootz |
You see a likely square, and step into it ... and get that floating feeling as the Red Warp (RW) carriez you away.
"It's a good thing I have these High-Topz!" you exclaim, as you see nothing but Spikez in your path ... and Holez too!
You make your way to the CheckPoint Switch (CPS) and pocket a Coin (Coin #6).
You see your buddy with a Shovel on his own path parallelling yourz around this spiral, and see him filling in the Holez that would prevent you from completing your task.
You are delighted to see him dig up the Moundz and reveal Coinz (Coinz #7, #8, #9 and #10) where the Holez were. You finally make it to a CPS and acquire another Coin (Coin #11) and see a Warp letter ahead as another reward.
At the proper time, you may go through the return RW .
4 Shovel |
There is a Hole in this section, so that must be your 'assigned' place. You fill it in, then dig up the Mound , revealing a Coin (Coin #12) atop a lowered CheckPoint Pyramid (CPP), which you promptly put in your pocket.
Doing so whiskz you away via a RW to an area where you land on ... Springz .
4 Springz |
Hop to it! You see a CPS that is yourz to satisfy, so you head there. Watch out!
You're under fire from an enemy Grunt who objectz to you entering his territory.
Continue bouncing along to the next CPS , collecting any goodiez (Coin #13) you find along the way. You may have to depend on another Grunt to help you out.
6 Boxing Glovez |
Step lively now! There are thingz you must do to help out the team before you go through that return RW . Ooop! Too slow. Hit by a sponge, and knocked into the RW ... your buddy is now stuck. Try again, and duck(!) this time (picking up a Coin (Coin #16) at the same time), then do a bit of counter-punching.
Once you have satisfied your CPS and left that enemy Grunt standing on a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS), you can beat a hasty retreat through the return RW .
1 Suicide Bomber |
After some time passez, you notice that a Purple Pyramid has lowered (PP), and you get a glimpse of a Toy Box ! Charge!
But the shoddy workmanship provez itself, and the Lame Toy soon breakz.
You notice that you have satisfied a CPS , lowering a CPP .
Then you see that the way is clear to a Blue Wormhole (BW), and you stroll into it.
When the CPPz lower , allowing entry through the two BWz , you will follow Toob through the one to the north.