
Type What it does
Question Mark Switch #1 Located just outside the area bounded by Construction Pyramidz .
It will be activated by a GooberStraw #1.
It createz an opening into the area, where Goo Puddlez await.
Red Warp (RW) #1 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the place where you pick up the Warpstone piece .
The RW will open up on the nearby Toggling Bridge Tile .
Time it so the Bridge is raised when you land, and will stay up a little while.
The RW will take your Warpstone #2 back into the Construction Pyramidz area, where there is a minor task yet to be done.
QMS #2 Located just inside the area bounded by Construction Pyramidz .
It will be activated by Warpstone #2.
It temporarily replacez a Construction Pyramid with an ordinary tile .
There is enough time for Warpstone #2 to exit, and another (any other) Grunt, Gooberstraw #1 or a Bare-handed (#3 or #4) to enter.
Warpstone #2 will walk to fill the unoccupied Blue Hold Switch .
The Grunt now in the area will activate RW #2.
RW #2 Inside the Construction Pyramidz area, near where the westernmost enemy Grunt (since deceased, in and out of the Goo Well) was, is the SecretTeleporterTrigger.
The RW will open up within the Green and Red Pyramidz area surrounding the King's Fortress.
Gooberstraw #1, Warpstone #2 or a Bare-handed Grunt (#3 or #4)can reach the RW , if either color Pyramidz are lowered .
Warpstone #2 can reach the RW from the south through the (lowered) Black Pyramid if they are all still raised .
There is plenty of time to reach the RW , so don't panic.
The RW will take your Grunt to the island where the Warp letter and seven Coinz are in plain sight. Only Warpstone #2 needz to return through the RW . Any other Grunt may remain on the island.