
No. X Y Tool Where you may acquire them, in the designed order of use
1 41 4 Gauntletz Bare-handed Grunt #1 usez a Megaphone #1 to call for them, and immediately takez them from the GruntzMachine.
2 23 2 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #1 breakz a Giant Mushroom

to reveal it.

3 24 24 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #1 digz them up, filling in a Hole and digging up the Mound (Magic Shovel).
4 18 3 Shovel Shovel Grunt #1 revealed it when a TimeBomb was dug up.
5 5 41 GooberStraw Shovel Grunt #1 pickz it up, while avoiding being hit by an enemy Grunt .
6 25 45 Gauntletz Gauntletz Grunt #1 broke a Mushroom to reveal it.
Much later, newly-baked Grunt #2 walkz over and pickz them up.
7 46 9 Shovel Shovel Grunt #1 used a Megaphone #3 to call for it.
Gauntletz Grunt #2 takez it from the GruntzMachine.
8 72 2 SpongeGun Gauntletz Grunt #1 used a Megaphone #2 to call for it.
GooberStraw Grunt #1 takez it from the GruntzMachine.
9 46 12 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #2 digz them up from a Mound .
10 46 14 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #2 breakz a Mushroom to reveal it.
11 46 17 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #2 digz them up from a Mound .
12 45 19 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #2 breakz a Mushroom to reveal it.
13 43 21 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #2 digz them up from a Mound .
14 42 23 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #2 breakz a Mushroom to reveal it.
15 42 25 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #2 digz them up from a Mound .
38 10 Warpstone SpongeGun Grunt #1 pickz up the heavy rock and waltzez into the King's Fortress with it. (Doesn't count as a Tool.)