Coinz page 4 of 6 |
No. | X | Y | Description of where the object is found |
49 | 6 | 49 | Buried in a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile in the square with a GruntCreationPad , a Rolling Rock , Arrowz of all sortz , Holez which become Moundz (and some of the Moundz may become Arrowz or other objectz ... so beware!). |
50 | 6 | 46 | Buried in a Hole which becomez a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile in the same square. |
51 | 4 | 41 | Buried in a Hole which becomez a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile in the same square. |
52 | 2 | 40 | Buried in a Hole which becomez a Mound which becomez a lowered BP in the same square. |
53 | 4 | 44 | Buried in a Mound which becomez a Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) in the same square. |
54 | 9 | 60 | Buried in a Hole which becomez a Mound in GOOROOSTOUR!. Reached when Shovel Grunt #8 digz up (and stepz on) a QMS in the square with a Rolling Rock and two YTSz ... and lotz of Spikez and Arrowz . Shovel Grunt #8 doesn't have time to pick it up, so GooberStraw Grunt #4 pickz it up later. |
55 | 20 | 40 | In plain sight atop a CPS in GOOROOSTOUR!. |
56 | 20 | 47 | Under a Rock Crystal in the same square. |
57 | 8 | 58 | In plain sight in the gully with four large craterz. |
58 | 1 | 58 | Under a Rock Crystal atop a QMS in the same square. |
59 | 5 | 54 | Buried in a Hole (surrounded by four PPz ) which becomez a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile in the same square. Reached via a QMS . |
60 | 10 | 79 | In plain sight atop a STS , in the square with a BOTS , eight BPz , an ordinary tile with a BW over it and eighty-nine SPz . |
61 | 49 | 40 | In plain sight in the square with an enemy Grunt doing a strange sort of "two-step". |
62 | 49 | 48 | Buried in a Hole which becomez a Mound in the same square. |