
X Y WARP Where to find them.
45 2 W Reached via a Red Warp (RW).
In plain sight, next to four Coinz (Coinz #1, #2, #3 and #4) and a Red Pyramid (RP), surrounded by Green Pyramidz (GP).
13 19 A Reached via a RW .
In plain sight on the Landing Dock of a small island in the pool of water.
Reaching it, you have activated six Blue Toggle Switchez (BTS) and raised up 'GRUNTZ' in Bridge tilez ... but you cannot reach it because the return RW comez first!
16 14 R Reached via a RW .
In plain sight on a (now raised ) Bridge tile ('G' of 'GRUNTZ') in the pool of water.
12 5 P In plain sight on the south side of the King's Fortress plateau.