
Eight Bare-handed gruntz begin the level.
When given a choice, alwayz give a Tool to a Bare-handed Grunt .
Altogether, you will have baked one new Grunt at the (very) end.
For the purpose of the walk-through, each grunt is given a number (based upon their order in the Gruntz list), and the table below showz the Tool(z) each grunt will use.
Starting location
Grunt X Y Tool(z) acquired (in order) ... final result
1 11 7 Tool #18 - Gauntletz
2 15 7 Tool #19 - Wingz
Tool #22 - Shovel
3 30 27 Tool #1 - Springz
Tool #7 - Springz
Tool #?? - Gauntletz
Tool #?? - Shovel
Tool #?? - Gauntletz
4 32 27 Tool #3 - Gauntletz
Tool #4 - Springz
Tool #5 - Toob
Tool #6 - Springz
5 31 25 Tool #2 - Spy Gear
Tool #8 - Gauntletz
Tool #10 - Springz
6 65 29 Tool #11 - Wingz
7 28 41
8 41 41 Tool #9 - Springz
Tool #12 - Gauntletz
Tool #13 - Springz
? 25 31 Tool #24 - Gauntletz