
# X Y Description of where the object is found
Grunt #1
North edge of the map
1 18 11 In an Ice Crystal atop a SilverTimer Switch (STS).
2 21 12 In an Ice Crystal atop a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
3 30 3 In plain sight atop a BOTS .
4 30 13 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
5 25 13 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
6 34 12 In a Mound atop a BOTS .
7 37 11 In a Mound atop a STS .
8 38 12 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
9 42 13 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree atop a Question Mark Switch (QMS).
10 48 7 In a Hole which becomez a Mound , then an ordinary tile on the northeast island.
11 51 4 Under an Ice Crystal atop a Red Toggle Switch (RTS).
12 54 6 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a Red Pyramid (RP).
13 49 11 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
14 44 6 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
15 49 1 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
16 53 2 Under an Ice Crystal atop a Green Toggle Switch (GTS).
17 41 14 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
18 43 17 In an Ice Crystal under a large tree.
East edge of the map
19 44 18 In an Ice Crystal atop a STS .
20 43 21 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
21 52 30 In plain sight atop a BOTS .
22 42 30 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
23 42 25 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
24 43 34 In a Mound atop a BOTS .
25 44 37 In a Mound atop a STS .
26 43 38 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
27 42 42 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree atop a QMS .
28 48 48 In a Hole which becomez a Mound , then an ordinary tile on the southeast island.
29 51 51 Under an Ice Crystal atop a RTS .
30 49 54 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
31 44 49 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
32 49 44 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
33 54 49 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
34 53 53 Under an Ice Crystal atop a GTS .
35 41 41 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
36 38 43 In an Ice Crystal under a large tree.
South edge of the map
37 37 44 In an Ice Crystal atop a STS .
38 34 43 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
39 25 52 In plain sight atop a BOTS .
40 25 42 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
41 30 42 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
42 21 43 In a Mound atop a BOTS .
43 18 44 In a Mound atop a STS .
44 17 43 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
45 13 42 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree atop a QMS .
46 7 48 In a Hole which becomez a Mound , then an ordinary tile on the southwest island.
47 4 51 Under an Ice Crystal atop a RTS .
48 1 49 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
49 6 44 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
50 11 49 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
51 6 54 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
52 2 53 Under an Ice Crystal atop a GTS .
53 14 41 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
54 12 38 In an Ice Crystal under a large tree.
West edge of the map
55 11 37 In an Ice Crystal atop a STS .
56 12 34 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
57 3 25 In plain sight atop a BOTS .
58 13 25 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
59 13 30 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
60 12 21 In a Mound atop a BOTS .
61 11 18 In a Mound atop a STS .
62 12 17 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree.
63 13 13 In a Mound under a large evergreen tree atop a QMS .
64 7 7 In a Hole which becomez a Mound , then an ordinary tile on the northwest island.
65 4 4 Under an Ice Crystal atop a RTS .
66 6 1 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
67 11 6 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
68 6 11 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
69 1 6 Under an Ice Crystal blocked by a RP .
70 2 2 Under an Ice Crystal atop a GTS .
71 14 14 In an Ice Crystal atop a BOTS .
Grunt #2
Northeast center portion of the map
72 37 18
A Giant Ice Crystal was broken

which revealed the Coin in the middle.

73 40 21 On a Bridge Tile due north of where Grunt #2 entered.
74 34 15 On a Bridge Tile due east of where Grunt #2 entered.
75 28 17 Hidden under a large evergreen tree northwest of where Grunt #2 entered.
76 34 26 On a Bridge Tile in 'Bad Water' next to his CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
Grunt #3
Southwest center portion of the map
77 18 37
A Giant Ice Crystal was broken

which revealed the Coin in the middle.

78 40 21 On a Bridge Tile due south of where Grunt #3 entered.
79 34 15 On a Bridge Tile due east of where Grunt #3 entered.
80 28 17 Hidden under a large evergreen tree southeast of where Grunt #3 entered.
81 34 26 On a Bridge Tile in 'Bad Water' next to his CPS .
Grunt #4
Southeast center portion of the map
82 37 37
A Giant Ice Crystal was broken

which revealed the Coin in the middle.

83 34 40 On a Bridge Tile due south of where Grunt #4 entered.
84 40 34 On a Bridge Tile due east of where Grunt #4 entered.
85 38 27 Buried in a Mound under a large evergreen tree northeast of where Grunt #4 entered.
86 29 34 On a Bridge Tile in 'Bad Water' next to his CPS .
Grunt #1
Northwest center portion of the map
87 18 18
A Giant Ice Crystal was broken

which revealed the Coin in the middle.

88 21 15 On a Bridge Tile southwest of Coin #87.
89 15 21 On a Bridge Tile northeast of Coin #87.
90 26 21 On a Bridge Tile in 'Bad Water' next to his CPS .