Secretz ... Page 3 of 4

No. X Y Secret Type Description of the location
10 42 31 QMS #5 SpongeGun Grunt #4 activatez it, and startz moving.
Flattenz some Construction Pyramidz , so Gauntletz #5 can cross.
Providez two Landing Dockz so SpongeGun Grunt #4 can cross.
11 5 100 QMS #6
Gauntletz Grunt #5 breaks
a Giant Rock Crystal

revealing it
in the center.

It transformz the area above six tilez wide, three tilez deep into Death Tilez.
12 54 38 RW #7 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Arrow in the string of Arrowz .
The RW will open one step to the south.
The RW will take an enemy Grunt to a PMGS to replace a Grunt (perhapz Bare-Handed #6).
13 54 42 RW #8 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Arrow in the string of Arrowz .
The RW will open one step to the north.
The RW will take an enemy Grunt to a PMGS where a resurrected Grunt (perhapz Bare-Handed #8) is standing.
14 54 46 RW #9 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Arrow in the string of Arrowz .
The RW will open one step to the south.
The RW will take an enemy Grunt to a PMGS where a resurrected Grunt (perhapz Bare-Handed #?) is standing.
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