GooberLand Walkthrough Grab the tubez and swim to the opposite landing. Head for the BOTS, but step lively or get squished. Watch for the rockz grunt to the south and head to the next pool. Stay close to the wall and swim south of the platform to get the coin and activate the blue toggle switch. You don't want to attract the tubez grunt too soon. Jump back in the water one tile lower than the platform and swim to the opposite side. When you exit the pool, the enemy tubez will follow. Retreive the gauntlez and turn him to goo. Get the coin behind the tabasco. Break the suger cubez and get some zap cola. Get the coin in the water and activate the YTS. Go around the pool and break the sugar cube to the north revealing a spongegun. Go stand on the GHS and release the bare handed grunt in the far northeast corner. The barehand getz the spongegunz. Position the gauntlez on the stairz to the south and the spongegunz on the west YHS. Send the gauntlez into the arrow maze. When he passez the first TWA, move the spongegunz to the east YHS and shoot the gauntlez across the arrowz to the PMGS. Move both of your gruntz past the purple pyramid before the boomerangz killz the enemy sword grunt. Shoot the enemy boomerangz one space to the east and navigate the green pyramidz. When you get to the Silver switch, shoot the boomerangz onto the arrow so he getz squished by the olive. Go through the silver pyramidz and get the shovelz. Dig the holez and step on the GHS so the gauntlez can come through the green pyramidz. Dig more holez and get the coin and reveal the secret switch. When the olive rollz over the secret switch, work your way up to the hole to the north and fill and dig it to get a coin. Exit the area and join the gauntlez at the electrical outlet maze. Send the shovelz through the outletz and he gets the boomerangz. Kill the four enemy gruntz and the bomber gruntz hidden in the southeast corner. Get the gooberstrawz and suck the goo. Pick up two more coinz in the area and go to the checkpoint switch. Gauntlez now comez through the outletz and goez past his checkpoint to break the sugarcube and get a coin. He then goez to his checkpoint switch and he's done. The gooberstrawz can now continue across the crumble bridge to the rolling olivez. Drop the newly baked grunt on the creation pad in the purple pyramidz. Gooberstrawz navigates the rolling olivez and stands on the PMGS. Bare handed grunt comes out and stands near the PMGS. Gooberstrawz goes to the top arrow on the west side of the platform. Watch the timing of the olivez and step on the arrow and get out of the way. A red warp opens just to the east of the PMGS. Bare hand goes through. He picks up the gauntlez, breaks the Giant Rock, gets two coinz and the warp letter W and exits back through the red warp. Both gruntz go to the platform to the north. Gauntlez crosses first and breaks the sugar cubez watching out for the enemy rockz grunt. Gooberstrawz crosses next and gets the springz. Again, watching out for the enemy rockz as well as the spongegunz, springz navigates the holez/spikez area stepping on three BOTS and getting two coinz. Both gruntz go south to the next area. Gauntlez breaks the sugar cube and springz gets the spongegunz. Navigate the rolling olivez, watch for the enemy rockz and get the three coinz. Timing is critical. Step on the YTS and shoot the tool thief across the TWA. Walk across the arrowz and squish him. Gauntlez can now go past the black pyramidz, get the coin and go through the silver pyramidz to join spongengunz. Go to the next area and shoot the enemiez into the holez. Activate three BTS and get three coinz. Gauntlez breaks the sugar cubez and gets three more coinz. Gauntlez crosses the bridge and gets three coinz. Spongegunz follows. Gauntlez breaks the two sugar cubes revealing a spyglass and wingz. He goes to the west and stands on the BHS. Spongegunz first gets the wingz and flies north to get the warp letter A. He then gets the spyglass and spies the brickz. Together with gauntlez, break the brickz and go to the next area. Gauntlez goes north, breaks the sugar cube revealing a clubz. He then goes south and breaks more sugar cubez revealing a roidz. Spyglass gets the clubz and the roidz and one by one, eliminates the four enemy gauntlez taking zap cola as needed. He then gets two coinz, more zap cola and the gooberstrawz. He sucks goo and goes to the silver pyramidz and stands to the east straight across from the green pyramid in the silver pyramids. Gauntlez stands just to the north of the three coins on brickz to the south. The new grunt gets the bombz. He goes through the black pyramidz, getting two toyz on the way and activating a BOTS. He then blows himself up and breaks the three gold topped brickz. Gauntlez breaks the remaining brickz and gets three more coinz. In order to navigate the silver pyramidz, it might be useful to use the ctrl 1, crtl 2 method to assign numbers to the gruntz to switch back and forth quickly. Gauntlez steps on the silver switch then the GHS. Gooberstrawz enters the silver pyramidz, goes past the green pyramid all the way to the orange pyramid. Quickly switch to gauntlez and he stands on the left orange switch and back to the GHS. Gooberstrawz continues past the orange pyramid, past the green pyraimd and to the next orange pyramid. Switch to gauntlez and step on the right orange switch and back to the GHS. Gooberstrawz can now exit the maze and go to his checkpoint switch. Gauntlez breaks the Giant Rock and gets the warp letter R. He goes past the arrowz and north and gets the megaphonez. He breaks the brick with the coin on it losing his gauntlez. He then gets the coin and gets the shovelz from the resourcez and digs the left hole to find a coin. He then back tracks north and digz another hole to retreive a coin. He goes back south to his checkpoint switch. Gooberz stands on the YHS and sucks the goo puddle. He must move quickly afterwards to avoid the rolling olive. He then comes down to suck three more goo puddlez. Position your grunt above and one square to the right of the goo puddle. Watch the kitchen slime and walk to one square to the east of the goo puddle. The enemy swordz will come after you only to be melted by the slime. suck his goo as well as the other goo. Do the same with the goo puddle to the far east. Shovelz digz the hole and gets a coin. Shovelz goes past the slimez down to the rolling olivez. Pick your moment and navigate past the olivez (again, timing is tight). Kill the two enemy rockz. Gooberz followz the same path and suck the goo. You now have two new gruntz in the ovenz. Line all your gruntz up in front of the green warp. Shovelz goes through first. He digz holez and collects coinz and lowers all the black pyramidz. The other three gruntz come through the green warp and take their places at the three blue warpz. It doesn't matter which grunt goes where. The northeast grunt goes through his blue warp and landz and gauntlez. He goes across the crumble bridge picking up two coinz and exiting to the north. He activates the YTS to the east and breaks the sugar cube and steps on the secret switch and enters the green pyramidz. He goes through the green and red pyramidz, picking up coinz and then goes through the silver pyramidz. He breaks a sugar cube and goes through a blue warp to his checkpoint switch and he's done. The next grunt goes through the northwest blue warp and lands on a spongegun. He shoots the four enemy gunhatz onto the BOTS's and gets the rockz. He killz the four enemy gunhatz and then gets the gooberstrawz. He sucks goo and gets four more coinz. He then exits to the north and goes through the east blue warp to his checkpoint switch and he's done. The third grunt goes through the southwest blue warp and lands in the pool with the crumble bridge. He navigates the crumble bridge and gets the babywalker. He goes through his blue warp and lands on his checkpoint switch and he's done. Shovelz now steps on the PMGS and gets transported to the area with the other gruntz. He goes past the lowered purple pyramid and digz a hole hidden behind the spice jars. Be sure to walk past the hole before digging, watching out for the enemy rockz. He digz the hole revealing gauntlez and he exits via the blue warp and lands on his checkpoint switch and he's done. Place the new grunt on the creation pad in the gunhatz area and send him through the west blue warp. He goes behind the spice jars and retreives the gauntlez. He breaks the sugar cube hidden behind the spice jars to the west getting the warp letter P. He then breaks the red brick, gets the warpstone and takes it to the king.