Custom Level name Discussion Forum/Downloadz |
Year Month |
Day |
Area |
How Hard |
Map |
Statz Page |
Walk- through |
z |
Rocky Roadz |
1 |
Gruntziclez |
2 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
3 |
High On Sweetz |
4 |
High Rollerz |
5 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
6 |
The Miniature Masterz |
7 |
Gruntz In Space |
8 |
Gruntz map image does not exist |
Gruntz map of game-time Tilez and Objectz (large JPEG) |
Gruntz map too small ... defaultz Gruntz screen resolution to 640X480 mode |
!! |
Gruntz Level Editor image, not game-time objectz |
* |
Statz Page image does not exist |
Statz Page image showing a "PERFECT!" result |
Statz Page image is not "PERFECT!" |
* |
walk-through does not exist (in any format) |
walk-through viewable in NotePad (plain text) |
.TXT |
HTML format (multi-page with linkz and imagez) |
requirez a program (that you might not have), browser may not be able to display it |
.Rtf |
HTML format "in progress" based upon another Custom Level |
*** |
very old HTML format without table borderz |
* |
old HTML format with table borderz |
* |
HTML format hosted/created by the Designer |
** |
HTML format once hosted at (no longer available) |
*** |
Never solved, Coin count unknown. |
## |