
X Y Secret Type Description of the location
25 22 Red Warp
(RW) #1
The SecretTeleporterTrigger is a place formerly occupied by a Mushroom near several Arrowz .
The RW will open two stepz west, and nine stepz north of the trigger.
The RW will take you to the area where there is a Megaphone , a Warp letter and a Coin (#2).
7 3 RW #2 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the leftmost Mound of three Moundz all in a row. The Grunt better have "hard handz" !
The RW will open on a Mound twelve stepz south and two stepz west of the trigger.
The RW will take you to a place where there are four Mushroomz , one of them booby-trapped and one containing a Coin (#4). The Warp letter is somewhere in the middle.
31 27
Question Mark Switch
(QMS) #1
Gauntletz #3 breakz
a Giant Mushroom

revealing it
in the middle

It createz a bridge to an island in quicksand with three Coinz (#11, #12 and #13).
Gauntletz #3 cannot reach it ... but GooberStraw/Shovel #2 can!
Note that a 'purist' would have one Red Warp and one Question Mark Switch in a puzzle.