What Grunt #2 does

Grunt Step Description of what to do
Bare-handed #2 1 When the GPz are lowered , movez northeast past the enemy Grunt to wait for the Spotlight to move away (he can't sing!) and step on the three Blue Toggle Switchez (BTS) until a complete Bridge is formed toward the southwest.
Move to the tile southwest of the BOTS and click on the special tile , to pass over the BOTS , (and between the rising BPz to freedom).
Cross back over the Bridge and past the enemy Grunt to the now lowered BP .
There are nine Enemy Gruntz (five smart boxerz , two elusive boxerz and two elusive Gruntz firing Sponge Gunz ) awaiting you ... dispose of them any way you can ... perhapz the Boxing Glovez (Tool #1) will help?
Boxing Glovez #2 2 (It will certainly help you acquire the Coin (Coin #1) that the enemy Grunt is guarding!
Keep in mind that there is no Goober Straw anywhere in this puzzle, so don't worry about any lost Goo.
When you earn the Championship Belt, you look around and see something just out of reach. It seemz there is something for somebody else to do.
Boxing Glovez #2 3 When the BPz are lowered , you pick up the Shovel (Tool #5) and become (Ta-da!) Grunt #2 .
Shovel #2 4 Holez are alwayz only hazardz (and never contain anything of value) so only need to be filled in if they are obstacles preventing you from getting somewhere.
Dig up Moundz (because they may contain valuablez).
Remembering passing some Moundz , he back-trackz and digz up a Coin (Coin #12).
He returnz to where he acquired his tool and tidiez up a bit by filling in some (potentially) dangerous Holez .
The way is blocked toward the east by Red Pyramidz (RP), and there are some Giant Dice Cubez

to the west, so he awaitz some .
Shovel #2 5 After Grunt #5 has done his thing, the way is clear to the west, and he digz up another Coin (Coin #13)..