Walkthrough for Plateau #1
Filled with Gum Dropz, Gum Dropz and more Gum Dropz
Grunt Description of what to do
Gauntletz #8 &
Shovel #9
Working together, Shovel #9 fillz in Holez , may dig up Moundz , while Gauntletz #8 breakz Cupcakez to clear pathz (covered with Gum Dropz) around the area.
One of them (probably Shovel #9) acquirez a Coin .
Their goal is to reach the 2 Green Hold Switchez (GHS), one surrounded by Green Pyramidz (GP), and the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) surrounded by GPz on this plateau.
That lowerz the Black Pyramid (BP) blocking the exit from the area.
They briefly continue working together to reach separate sectionz of the next Plateau.