Walkthrough (Normal mode only)

The most frequent task in this Custom Level is to place the grunt(z) carrying the proper item(z) onto the various CheckPoint Switchez (CPS) found throughout the map. Sometimez, a grunt will be left behind, his task(z) accomplished.

Grunt(z) Description of what to do
SpongeGun #5 &
Bare-handed #4
(Optional) Satisfy those CPSz! to lower several CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP)
SpongeGun then helpz Bare-handed go placez no one else can reach (three timez).
Grunt #4 acquirez a Coin (#1) and a Tool (#1).
SpongeGun #5 &
Boxing Glovez #4
SpongeGun then helpz Boxing Glovez go somewhere no one else can reach.
Boxing Glovez then disposez of two enemy gruntz to satisfy a CPS .
SpongeGun can then satisfy his own CPS .
SpongeGun then helpz Boxing Glovez to satisfy a CPS ... and escape a trap!
SpongeGun then acquirez a Coin (#2).
Bare-handed #2 &
SpongeGun #5
Bare-handed satisfiez a CPS ... and evadez a trap!
SpongeGun then helpz Bare-handed go somewhere no one else can reach.
Bare-handed acquirez a Toy, and (one step away) he satisfiez another CPS .
SpongeGun then helpz Bare-handed to freedom.
Bare-handed then acquirez a Tool (#2).
Both gruntz then make their way to the northwest, to greet Boxing Glovez .
SpongeGun #5 &
Boxing Glovez #4 &
Gauntletz #2
Gauntletz enterz "the race track" and dropz out near his CPS .
SpongeGun 'assistz' Boxing Glovez into "the race track", and he makez his way (quickly, to avoid being squished by the Rolling Rockz ) to his own CPS .
SpongeGun enterz "the race track" and makez his way to the (far) east.
Bricklayer #1 &
Boxing Glovez #4 &
Gauntletz #2
Combine to satisfy three CPSz .
Each one then positionz himself to the southeast of one of the three Powerupz.
Gauntletz (carrying the Toy) goes first, and satisfiez the CPS , and (avoiding the next Powerup) waitz near a Foundation tile .
Bricklayer goez next and makez use of the next Powerup, and proceedz to lay Brickz .
Bricklayer layz Brickz , demolishing Rolling Rockz , and Gauntletz (in turn) demolishez the Brickz his buddy layz.
Gauntletz demolishez a Giant Rock

which revealz a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) surrounded by Holez

Boxing Glovez goes last.
Once again, the group combinez to satisfy three CPSz .
Someone (probably Gauntletz ) stepz on the Green Toggle Switch (GTS), and a Green Pyramid (GP) is lowered .
Gauntletz demolishez the Giant Rock

which revealz another PMGS

Boxing Glovez headz for "the elve's circle", while Bricklayer returnz to the CPS , where something surprising happenz.
Shovel #3 Now free to move, fillz in two Holez surrounding the nearest PMGS

noticez a Mound 'way up north next to a CPS , and digz it up, acquiring a Coin (#7) for his effort.
Movez back west and south to fill in two Holez surrounding the other PMGS

He standz on the PMGS for a while.
Bricklayer #1 &
Boxing Glovez #4 &
Gauntletz #2 &
Shovel #3
Boxing Glovez carefully takez his place on the unoccupied PMGS .
Bricklayer and Gauntletz cross over the lowered Purple Pyramidz (PP) and make their way to the two CPSz with their 'namez' on them.
Then both return over the (still lowered) PPz and move south into the Spikez area, each to their own CPS. That lowerz four CPPz .
Boxing Glovez and Shovel (carefully) leave the PMGSz after Bricklayer and Gauntletz cross over the lowered PPz and move south through the Spikez field, and west; Shovel to his CPS ; Boxing Glovez to wait near the CPPz .
When the CPPz are lowered , Bricklayer movez through the Red Pyramidz (RP) and Green Pyramidz (GP) to his CPS .
Shovel then satisfiez his CPS , then Bricklayer movez through the Gauntletz CPS to his own CPS .
Shovel followz him to his next CPS .
Gauntletz satisfiez both of his CPSz .
Bricklayer movez north completely out of the maze, satisfiez a generic CPS , movez west, and south (back into the maze) to his last CPS .
Shovel movez to his next CPS .
Gauntletz (still carrying the Toy) satisfiez his CPS .
The three gruntz still in the maze exit, and make their way to the Landing Area to the north (someone pickz up two Coinz (#8 & #9) along the way).
Gauntletz crossez the Toggling Bridge and breakz three Rockz , revealing a Tool (#4) under one of them. He waitz at the next Landing Area for Bricklayer to come up behind him.
Bricklayer crossez the Toggling Bridge and (avoiding the Tool) standz behind Gauntlet.
With both Gauntletz and Bricklayer selected, they cross the Crumbling Bridge and Bricklayer stepz on the open Landing Area .
Gauntletz breakz three Rockz , revealing a Tool (#3) under one of them. He then satisfiez his CPS .
Bricklayer crossez the Crumbling Bridge and satisfiez his CPS .
Shovel crossez the Toggling Bridge and crossez the Crumbling Bridge and satisfiez his CPS .
Boxing Glovez crossez the Toggling Bridge and satisfiez his CPS .
Gauntletz pickz up the Tool next to him.
Boxing Glovez pickz up the Tool next to him.
Bricklayer #1 &
Toob #2 &
Shovel #3 &
Toob #4
Toob #2 splashez over to the Blue Toggle Switch (BTS), raising a Bridge for gruntz #1 and #3.
Shovel #3 findz some Holez that would be hazardous to the team's health, and fillz them in .
Bricklayer #1 followz and waitz (patiently?) on a lowered CPP until it is safe to move north and acquire a different Tool (#7).
Toob #2 (avoiding Toggling Bridge tilez ) splashez over to acquire a Coin (#10) on a Crumbling Bridge Tile .
Meanwhile, Toob #4 splashez over to acquire the other Coin (#11) on a Crumbling Bridge Tile .
Both Toob gruntz head for the CPSz "with their 'names' on them" and immediately trade in those chaffing Toobz for another Tool (#5 & #6).
They happily head for CPSz they can satisfy.
Bricklayer seez a Tool (#7) to his liking, and pickz it up.
"I'll bet this will look real good on that CPS !"
Shovel runz out of work, and seez a Tool (#8) to his liking, and pickz it up.
"I'll bet this will look real good on that CPS !"
Gun Hat #1 &
Gun Hat #2 &
Gun Hat #3 &
Gun Hat #4
Three GunHat gruntz find a place (together, preferably) where they can't be pushed around.

The other Gun Hat is "the bait" and movez into the next area until some enemy grunt spiez him and startz chasing.
Now, your goal here is to acquire Goo ... and there don't seem to be any Goo Puddlez in sight ... so the team will just have to make some.

Carefully, turn enemy gruntz into eight Goo Puddlez .

Gun Hat #1 and Gun Hat #3 should be in the best health.
Either one should go and find a Tool (#9) useful on those Goo Puddlez .

Gun Hat #4 should be in the worst health. You should leave him behind, when you elect "the weakest link". (Don't give him another Tool.)

Gun Hat #2 should be almost (but not quite) in full health. He should go and find a Tool (#10) that is very destructive.

Whichever Gun Hat (#1 or #3) that remainz will acquire the next available Tool.
Gun Hat &
TimeBomb #2 &
GooberStraw &
Gun Hat #4
TimeBomb blowz up Brickz , while avoiding missilez from enemy gruntz , etc., and turnz a Giant Rock

into something else

Gun Hat (#1 or #3) acquirez a new Tool (#11).
There is a CPS calling you, so you go stand nearby ... but should you answer it ... without your team near you?
  • Yes (Designer's way)
    • Gun Hat , GooberStraw and Gravity Bootz must go south, through four Rolling Rockz and lowered GPz .
    • Gun Hat turnz the nearest enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle , lowering two GPz so that TimeBomb grunt may reach a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) in the north.
    • Then TimeBomb satisfiez the CPS .
    • Gun Hat turnz a certain enemy grunt into Goo ... but which one?
      1. Club
      2. Gauntletz
      3. Gun Hat
      4. Shield
    • If all of the GPz to the southeast are lowered , each grunt followz a Rolling Rock counter-clockwise to the opening and passez over the GPz .
    • Gun Hat turnz the other enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle , lowering and raising GPz .
    • TimeBomb blowz up Brickz , allowing Gravity Bootz to move north, through Spikez , and activate a BOTS ... and return, activating another BOTS on the way back.
    • All gruntz find their way to the proper CPSz .
  • No (GooRoo's way)
    • TimeBomb stepz on an Arrow , then side-stepz into the center.
      He plantz a Time Bomb and (with proper timing) stepz onto the same Arrow , then side-stepz into the center (without being either squished by a Rolling Rock , or blown up by his own Time Bomb).
      He plantz a Time Bomb and (with proper timing) reachez the Foundation tile left behind, then activatez a BOTS .
    • Gun Hat followz him and standz next to him for a while (turnz an enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle ), until the rest of the team has made it past the TimeBomb CPS.
    • Gravity Bootz #4 follows and standz next to Gun Hat .
    • GooberStraw movez to stand next to the raised GPz blocking access to a BOTS .
      When the GPz are lowered , activatez the BOTS .
      (The other three gruntz have moved down into the next area, so he followz them.)
    • Gravity Bootz goez through the Spikez field and activatez a BOTS ... and returnz, activating another BOTS on the way back.
    • TimeBomb blowz up the two Brickz blocking access to the CPSz.
    • All gruntz find their way to the proper CPSz .
    One grunt will be trapped, and left behind.
GooberStraw &
TimeBomb #2 &
Gravity Bootz #4
Gravity Bootz goez through the Spikez field and findz a way to turn two enemy gruntz into Goo Puddlez .

He then takez his place on his CPS .

TimeBomb blowz up Brickz ... and a Rock .

GooberStraw suckz up four Goo Puddlez (with severe loss of his health) and makez a bee-line for the Keg of Zap Cola .

Completely refreshed, he pickz up the Coin (#12) nearby, and returnz to duty.

Gravity Bootz goez through the area with eight Rolling Rockz (using Spikez , if necessary) to acquire another Tool (#12).
GooberStraw &
TimeBomb #2 &
Shovel #4
Shovel goez through the area with eight Rolling Rockz by stepping on the ordinary tilez as a Rock passez over it, to where he can put his tool to good use.

He digz up two Coinz (#13 & #14) and a Bottle of Zap Cola .
Since he should be very much in the green health-wise, he wisely leavez it where it is.

Then he proceedz to make thingz safer for the team by filling in Holez that could be hazardous (fatal, actually) to one's health.

He digz up another Coin (#15) and makez it possible to pick up yet another Coin (#16). Then he waitz next to a GP , where he planz to put the shovel to a different purpose, when it is lowered .

TimeBomb blowz up a couple of Rockz and revealz another Tool (#13), then takez his place on his CPS .

GooberStraw movez down to stand next to Shovel ... next to a GP .
3 Bare-handed gruntz &
GooberStraw &
Shovel &
SpongeGun #5
A grunt is added to the game on a GruntCreationPad ... and takez a step to the east.

A grunt is added to the game on a GruntCreationPad ... and takez a step to the southeast.

A grunt is added to the game on a GruntCreationPad ... and takez a step to the northwest, and quickly one step southeast and two stepz south, when he attractz the attention of an enemy grunt ... causing indecision on the part of that enemy.

SpongeGun (who followed Gauntletz , BrickLayer and Boxing Glovez to the vicinity of the SuperSpeed Powerupz) firez a sponge at the enemy grunt, making his decision for him.

The 3 Bare-handed gruntz (definitely outclassed) combine to do battle, and one of them seixez the opportunity to make a run for the GTS , which lowerz the GPz .

Shovel , closely followed by GooberStraw , enterz the area to assist the newly-baked memberz of the team.
Fortunately, everyone survivez the battle (they'd better!) and GooberStraw addz to the Goo Well, then takez his place on his CPS .

The Bare-handed grunt in the worst health headz for the Bottle of Zap Cola , then movez down to stand on the Mound next to TimeBomb .

The Bare-handed grunt in the best health headz for the Tool, then movez down to stand just above his CPS .

The remaining Bare-handed grunt movez down to stand just above the Mound next to the Rockz CPS .

Shovel movez to (briefly) stand on the Rockz CPS , then stepz onto his own CPS .

The Bare-handed gruntz movez onto the Mound , and the (newly armed) Rockz grunt stepz onto his CPS , which lowerz the CPPz .

Rockz grunt quickly movez down to do battle with the enemy grunt .
2 Bare-handed gruntz &
GooberStraw &
Shovel &
TimeBomb #2 &
Rockz turnz three enemy gruntz into Goo Puddlez (none of them reachable).

Shovel turnz dangerous Holez into Moundz , and digz up other Moundz to see if there is anything useful in them. He findz two Coinz (#17 & #18) (which he pocketz) and revealz a Can of Zap Cola (which he leavez for whichever team member needz refreshment the most).

GooberStraw suckz up a Goo Puddle .

The Bare-handed grunt in perfect health (perhapz after downing the Can of Zap Cola ) pickz up a Tool (#14).

TimeBomb movez through the area, blowing up Rockz and Brickz, revealing three Coinz (#19, #20 & #21), and allowing access to a fourth Coin (#22).

The other Bare-handed grunt pickz up the other Tool (#15).

GooberStraw suckz up another Goo Puddle and waitz near the GPz for his chance to suck up two more Goo.

Gauntletz &
Spy Gear &
TimeBomb &
Rockz &
GooberStraw &
Shovel &
Spy Gear crossez the Toggling Bridge and movez south, where he determinez the true nature of a dozen Brickz .

Gauntletz breakz the Brown Brickz .

Both Gauntletz and Spy Gear stand on their closest CPSz .

Gauntletz takez his place on his CPS next to the Rockz CPS .

Spy Gear enterz the north/south "race track" and makez his way to the GTS , which lowerz the GPz (the easy part). Then he makez his way back to his CPS (the hard part). Next he crossez the Toggling Bridge and movez north to cross another Toggling Bridge to acquire a Coin (#23). Finally, he makez his way to his own CPS the hard way, or the easier way.

GooberStraw suckz up two more Goo Puddlez and takez his place on his CPS .

Rockz takez his place on his CPS .

TimeBomb (may cross the Toggling Bridge and satisfy hisCPS (optional) raising a CPP and then) takez a place near his five teammatez.
Shovel takez his place on his CPS and seven CPPz are lowered .
Gauntletz enterz the forest and breakz a Rock , revealing a Coin (#24), which he (carefully) pickz up.

Shovel enterz the forest and fillz in two Holez , then returnz to the far eastern part of the area just south of a lowered CPP .

Gauntletz breakz another Rock , and retreatz from the ticking sound towardz his buddy carrying the Shovel .

Rockz movez into the forest, and lobz (exactly) two of his missilez at the enemy grunt in the pool south of him. He stepz on (and quickly off!) the Spikez tile and hearz a sound like thunder brewing.

Gauntletz and Shovel combine to attack one of the (remaining) enemy gruntz , while Rockz and Spy Gear combine to attack the other one , resulting in two Goo Puddlez .

GooberStraw suckz up two more Goo Puddlez .

Six gruntz (easy way) or five gruntz (harder way) file into the rectangle (mostly) surrounded by Construction Pyramidz in this order:
  1. (optional "easy" way) TimeBomb
  2. GooberStraw
  3. Gauntletz
  4. Shovel
  5. Spy Gear
  6. Rockz
(easy way) TimeBomb stepz on the BOTS and movez into the nearest Red Warp (RW), and his participation is ended.

GooberStraw movez carefully (avoiding RWz ) through the forest to suck up two Goo Puddlez . Then he makez his way to his next CPS .

While the Goo Well is being filled, Gauntletz followz a Rolling Rock counter-clockwise to the opening at the west side, where he breakz two Rockz (and one causez the other two to break). Then he makez his way to his CPS .

Shovel goez directly to his own CPS .

Spy Gear acquirez the two Coinz (#25 & #26), and takez his place on his CPS .

Rockz goez directly to his own CPS and the way is clear into the next area.
Shovel &
Gauntletz &
Spy Gear &
Rockz &
GooberStraw &
2 newly-baked gruntz
The Goo Well providez another member of the team, who immediately pickz up the Tool (#16) next to him and headz for the Landing Area .

Gauntletz movez through the area and breakz Rockz, acquiring a Coin (#27) in the process, and then waitz near the Landing Area .

Shovel fillz in Holez , digz up Moundz , and acquirez two Coinz (#28 & #29) ... and revealz a Tool (#17).

The Goo Well providez another member of the team, who immediately pickz up the Tool (#17) Shovel revealed.

Rockz turnz one enemy grunt into Goo (unreachable) and hurlz (exactly) two missilez at the enemy grunt nearby. Then he movez near the Rolling Rock and turnz the enemy grunt into Goo (lost in the water). Then he exchangez his Rockz for another Tool (#18)

GooberStraw and Spy Gear move to the vicinity of the Landing Area .

The next section involvez some interesting 'choreography'. Have you SAVEd recently?
3 Toob gruntz &
Shovel &
Gauntletz &
One Toob grunt movez to the western Landing Area of the small island to the northeast, where he is attacked by an enemy grunt in failing health. He quickly turnz him into a Goo Puddle on the southern Landing Area .

Another Toob grunt movez to the southern Landing Area of the small island to the northeast, where he is attacked by an enemy grunt in failing health. He and his buddy (now on the northern Landing Area ) quickly turn him into a Goo Puddle on the eastern Landing Area .

The northern grunt movez west via north, while the southern grunt movez west via south, where they join forcez to turn a (healthy!) enemy grunt into Goo (lost in the water). They then head south of the southernmost small island, then west, where they combine to attack an enemy grunt (in full health!) just long enough for one of them to make it to the Landing Area on the far west end of the pool and continue on to the BHS to the north. The other grunt breakz off the attack and retreatz to the BHS on the island east of the battle zone.

Shovel now seez a Bridge that will allow him to move to his CPS at the eastern end of the pool.

Gauntletz movez to stand on the BHS on the island with two Goo Puddlez .

GooberStraw suckz up the two Goo Puddlez .

The Toob grunt on the BHS on the island headz for the CPS at the eastern end of the pool, south of where Shovel is waiting.

The Toob grunt waiting near Spy Gear headz for the CPS at the eastern end of the pool, north of where Shovel is waiting.

The Toob grunt on the BHS on the west end of the pool headz for the CPS on the small island in the middle of the pool.
Everyone in the area

The Toob grunt on the small island headz for the BHS due west of him.

The Toob grunt north of the Shovel grunt headz for the BHS on the island in the far southwest part of the pool.

The last Toob grunt takez one step south to wait on the lowered CPP .

Shovel fillz in Holez , and digz up a Mound to reveal a Coin (#30). He then returnz to the Landing Area to the north.

The last Toob grunt movez down to stand on the BHS .

GooberStraw walkz along the Toggling Bridge and the raised Bridge to do battle with the last remaining enemy grunt and turnz him into Goo ... which he suckz up, and continuez to the next Goo Puddle and addz it to the Goo Well. Then he makez his way to the BHS at the western end of the pool (perhapz downing a Bottle of Zap Cola on the way).

Shovel walkz along the re-raised Bridge and the Toggling Bridge and the raised Bridge to dig up a Mound and pocket a Coin (#31). He walkz to stand near the westernmost CPP and waitz for them to be lowered .

Spy Gear walkz along the Toggling Bridge and the raised Bridge to pick up a Tool (#19).

A newly-baked grunt walkz along the Toggling Bridge and the raised Bridge to pick up a Tool (#20).

Gauntletz walkz along the Toggling Bridge to the end of the raised Bridge , and when the Bridge is completed, continuez to stand next to the Shovel grunt .

The last Toob grunt movez to stand on the BHS on the nearby small island. When Gauntletz is safely all the way across, he startz swimming toward the western end of the pool.

The Toob grunt on the small southernmost island headz for the western edge of the pool.

The Toob grunt on the small northernmost island headz for the western edge of the pool.

If there are any Bottlez of Zap Cola left, the Toob grunt(z) with the poorest health take(z) some refreshment.

The Toob grunt (now) in the best health walkz down to stand near a central CPP and waitz for them to be lowered .

One of the remaining Toob gruntz pickz up a new Tool (#21).

The other Toob grunt also pickz up a new Tool (#22).

2 Springz gruntz &
Shovel &
Gauntletz &
GooberStraw &
Bricklayer &
Toob &
2 Springz gruntz and SpongeGun and Bricklayer occupy their CPSz and cause a dozen CPPz to be lowered .

2 Springz gruntz and Toob move south and (somehow) make their way to the three CPSz on the western edge of the small pool of water.

Bricklayer layz a Brick in the path of the Rolling Rock , smashing it.

Gauntletz , in turn, smashez the Brick , leaving behind a Foundation tile .

SpongeGun standz on the Foundation tile .

Shovel fillz in a Hole , and usez the Mound to step onto an Arrow .

SpongeGun 'assistz' Shovel to a Mound .

Shovel fillz in a Hole , and usez the Mound to dig up the Mound he landed on, and he acquirez a Coin (#32).

Bricklayer usez the Mound to step onto an Arrow .

SpongeGun 'assistz' Bricklayer to (first) the GooberStraw CPS and then he movez to his own CPS .

GooberStraw usez the Mound to step onto an Arrow .

SpongeGun 'assistz' GooberStraw to his CPS .

Shovel movez east, and then north and beginz filling in enough Holez to provide a safe path for Gauntletz and SpongeGun (and later several other gruntz) to travel north.

Gauntletz breakz the two layer Brown Brick stack to allow Shovel to fill in the last dangerous Hole to provide a safe path to the three CPS . When they are satisfied, six CPPz are lowered .
Shovel Digz up all the Moundz he can reach, revealing two Coinz (#33 & #34) and a Tool (#23). Then he stepz onto an Arrow and fillz in three Holez , and waitz (patiently?) on a Mound.
Grunt #1 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
Gauntletz Gauntletz breakz an empty Rock , stepz onto an Arrow and waitz (patiently?) on a Mound.
Grunt #2 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
SpongeGun SpongeGun movez to wait one tile northeast of the Rock just broken.
GooberStraw GooberStraw movez east, then north and then west until he locatez some Goo Puddlez ... and "startz sucking". The Goo Well is now full.
2 Springz gruntz Move east across the Toggling Bridge and north through the path Shovel created and take their placez on the two CPSz . When they are satisfied, eight CPPz are lowered and four are raised .
Bare-handed #8 Finally freed, he makez a bee-line for a Tool (#23).
Bare-handed #7 Finally freed, he makez a bee-line for a Tool (#24).
Bare-handed #6 Finally freed, he makez a bee-line for a Tool (#25).
Newly-baked Seez a Tool (#26) and headz for it ... acquirez it with assistance from SpongeGun . Getz out of the trap, also with assistance from SpongeGun .
GooberStraw Movez into the area with the GruntCreationPad and suckz up a Goo Puddle , then movez back out the way he came in.
Bricklayer Movez into the area with the GruntCreationPad and layz a Brick , smashing two Rolling Rockz , then movez back out the way he came in. Then he stepz on an Arrow and waitz (patiently?) on a Mound.
Grunt #3 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
GooberStraw Movez to the extreme south and suckz up the last Goo Puddle , then movez back out the way he came in. Then he stepz on an Arrow and waitz (patiently?)
Grunt #4 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
Boomerang #8 Movez to the extreme south and stepz on an Arrow and waitz (patiently?).
Grunt #5 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
Sword Movez to the extreme south and stepz on an Arrow and waitz (patiently?).
Grunt #6 of 6 to wait in this area ... but not in the same place (rule of physicz).
2 Wingz #6 & #7 Fly to the two Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez no one else can reach. This lowerz six Purple Pyramidz (PP).
Shovel When the PPz are lowered , fillz in three Holez , stepz on an Arrow and headz for his last CPS .
Gauntletz &
Bricklayer &
GooberStraw &
Boomerang &
Moving one at a time, each one stepz on an Arrow and takez his place on one of the CPSz .
2 Springz gruntz Move west from their placez on the two CPSz . Then they move south, and each one stepz on an Arrow and headz for his last CPS .
SpongeGun Movez to the extreme south and stepz on an Arrow and headz for his last CPS .
Toob Movez to the extreme south and stepz on an Arrow and headz for his last CPS .
2 Wingz gruntz Fly west from their placez on the two PPz , and each one headz for his CPS . When the last one arrivez, four CPPz are lowered , allowing someone to pick up the precious Warpstone Piece .
Warpstone Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!