No. |
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Y |
Originally is |
What the Grunt acquirez, task(z) performed, last task |
1 |
9 |
9 |
Bare-handed |
The Designer put him there. (During the puzzle he will pick up several Coinz.)
Crossez a Bridge to pick up a Tool (Tool #1).
Usez the Tool to "bust out"    toward the south.
Satisfiez a CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
Usez the Tool to break a Giant Ice Crystal.
Tip-toez through the tulipz (er, a Toggling Bridge  TB) and usez the Tool to "Bust headz" .
Selectz another TB  to an island with Spikez and divez through a Blue Wormhole (BW).
He may have to wait a little while before a path becomez clear through an Arrowz maze. Watch out for that Rolling Snow Ball (RSB)!
Warning come too late? (Hope you have SAVEd recently!)
Usez the Tool to break half a dozen Ice Crystalz    .
Discoverz something strange under one of those Ice Crystalz.
Usez the Tool to "bust out" toward the south. Ooops! Big mistake?
Grabz a floatation device (Tool #6).
"Followz the Yellow Brick Road" (er, the strange thingz that pop up.)
Losez his floatation device, and continuez gamely on.
Is rewarded with a new way to travel ... west.
Pickz up the Warp Letter , and replacez his original Tool (Tool #7).
Satisfiez his part of three CPSz   .
When the CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) go down , goes south.
Makez his way through a hazardous area, pressing Switchez  .
Breakz more Brickz        .
Standz on a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) until the end of the puzzle. A job well done!
2 |
3 |
21 |
deceased |
Grunt #1 readz a Scroll , and the Designer put him there to pop up again.
Feelz aggressive, so pickz up a sharp object (Tool #2).
Usez the Tool to do some 'carving' . (Maybe he explorez a bit.)
Tip-toez through the tulipz (er, a TB  ) and divez through a BW .
Negotiatez through a small Spikez maze and pickz up something cool .
Eliminatez some competition        .
Findz a more useful Tool (Tool #4) ... and putz it to good use.
Divez through a Green Wormhole . (May have to wait a while.)
Satisfiez a CPS . When the CPPz go down , goes east.
Saving his tender feet (and his remaining health!), waitz patiently(?) for the Purple Pyramidz (PP) to be lowered .
When he can move safely, he pickz up the Warpstone Piece and carriez it to the King. Hey, I never claimed it was a "walk in the park"! Just be careful.
3 |
11 |
21 |
deceased |
Grunt #1 readz a Scroll , and the Designer put him there to pop up again.
Feelz aggressive, so pickz up a sharp object (Tool #3).
Usez the Tool to do some 'carving' .
Tip-toez along a TB  and divez through a different BW .
Protectz his feet from sharp objectz and avoidz flying(!) objectz that some enemy Gruntz keep sending in his direction..
Collectz hazardous duty pay (Coinz #7, #8, #9 and #10).
Standz on a Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) for a while.
Collectz stand-by pay (Coin #14).
Satisfiez his part of three CPSz   .
When the CPPz go down , goes north.
Maneuverz through the (lowered!) RPz and various Arrowz to collect the last two Coinz (Coin #15 & #16) and comez to rest on a PMGS .
4 |
42 |
1 |
The Goo Well is filled, and the solver putz him there.
Pickz up a nearby Tool (Tool #5), pointz and lightz the fuse.
Successful(?) Kamikaze pilot's result. (Death #1)