
Gruntz What to do, what to do?!?
Bare-handed #1 Enterz the game and movez to pick up the GooberStraw (Tool #1) atop the nearby GruntCreationPad .
GooberStraw #1 You use your Tool like a club, and beat the nearby enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle.
Then you use the Tool as intended, and suck up the Goo (1 of 4).
Pick up the Coin (#1).
Grab some refreshing Zap Cola to restore most of the health loss incurred while creating the stuff to suck up.
Make your way through the Toggling Bridge Tilez to the Coin (#2) on the stable Bridge Tile .
Then cross the rest of the way and go through the Blue Wormhole (BW).
When you land, you will probably immediately come under fire from one or more enemy gruntz ... so step lively!
While dodging airborne missilez, you (once again) use your Tool like a club, and beat the nearby enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle. (If you work thingz right, that grunt may receive the pain other gruntz directed at you. )
Continuing to dodge airborne missilez, you suck up two Goo Puddlez (2 & 3 of 4).
Step on the Silver Timer Switch and follow the path through the Silver Pyramidz .
Pick up the Coin (#3) next to the second Silver Timer Switch .
Suck up the Goo Puddle (4 of 4).
The Goo Well is full, so a new Grunt (#2) is baked.
Pick up the Coin (#4) and stand on the Green Hold Switch until grunt #2 jumpz through a BW .

When the enemy grunt to the west disappearz with a crunching sound, it is time to get back to work.
Step on the Silver Timer Switch and follow the path westward through the Silver Pyramidz .
Collect the Warp letter .
Quickly follow the rest of the path back through the Silver Pyramidz .
Step on the Silver Timer Switch and follow the path southward through the Silver Pyramidz .
Then go through the BW .
You land on a Jump Rope , which you stash in your pocket(?) for possible future use.
Take a moment and reflect:
Are there any other GruntCreationPadz besidez the one where you entered the game?
  • If the answer is yes, your GooberStraw may still be useful.
  • If the answer is no:
    • Is there a way out of the area with the GruntCreationPad ?
      • If the answer is yes, your GooberStraw may still be useful.
      • If the answer is no, your GooberStraw is no longer useful.
If your GooberStraw is no longer useful, it doesn't matter how (or where) you dispose of those four enemy gruntz blocking your way south.
Since there is no way to introduce another grunt into the game to help out your team, just get rid of any other opponentz any way you can, and keep your health level up!
That Jump Rope you landed on?
Give it to the last enemy grunt who chasez after you ... while he is standing on the Blue Hold Switch !
Cross over the Bridge to step on the Blue Toggle Switch , then use the new Bridge to get that Keg of Zap Cola .
Now back to full health, you boldly endure walking on two setz of Spikez and standing on a third set of Spikez while you put on the Wingz (Tool #5).
Wingz #1 You quickly make a short flight back to where you drank the Zap Cola.
You walk on the Bridge to the southern Landing Area in the pool of water.
From there you fly to the stack of chipz, to be nearer the Landing Area in space with the BOTS nearby.
Then something strange happenz!
You pick up the five Coinz (#6, #7, #8, #9 & #10) .
You put on a new set of Wingz (Tool #6).
Guess what? You're all dressed up, with nowhere to go. You are all done!
Bare-handed #2 Enterz the game on the GruntCreationPad .
Move south and across the Toggling Bridge , and past the (lowered) Green Pyramid .
Dive through the BW .
You land on a set of Springz (Tool #2).
Springz #2 When you land, you will probably immediately come under fire from one or more enemy gruntz ... so step (jump!) lively!
Head for that '?' Switch , and take the path it givez you for your flight from airborne missilez.
If you can. dispose of those annoying enemy gruntz , while making your way north to the Coin (#5) .
Then come back and use the Megaphone (Boxing Glovez ) you passed on your way north.
Continue south, then east.
What!?! No place you can go without losing the Springz? well ... lose them!
The Springz had a short, but useful life ... they got you out of the line of fire.
Take the Boxing Glovez from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez) ... (Tool #3).
Boxing Glovez #2 Give 'em the old "one-two", and send your opponentz into Holez ... and out of your way.
Now set aside your pugilistic tendenciez, and show a little footwork (and good sense!) by picking up Toyz and giving them to each of the four enemy gruntz to the east ... where they can play with them in a way that is useful to you ... like on each of the four Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS)!
With all four PMGSz occupied, the Purple Pyramid is lowered and you can dive through the BW .
You land (ouch!) on a pair of Gauntletz (Tool #4), and try them on for size.
Gauntletz #2 Almost in unison, you hear three gruntz saying "I'm gonna get you!".
Three against one oddz ... how do you proceed?
  1. "Damn the torpedoez ... full speed ahead!" Start punching your way toward the nearest opponent .
  2. Resign yourself to your fate, and cower in the corner.
  3. Break three stackz of Brickz (avoiding those nasty drugz! ) and go get the Coin (#11) .
    Pop the pill and go a bit berzerk, breaking both Brickz and headz .
    Try to split the three enemy gruntz up by doing #3, then #4 ... with control ... get one enemy heading that way, and another heading this way, and then go get the other one. When one opponent is Goo, turn your "tender merciez" on the next nearest one ... until all of them are quivering puddlez of Goo .
Clear a path through the Brickz toward the south.
Go ahead and break that Red Brick ... and see what happenz.
That's odd?!? The Gauntletz didn't break! And underneath that strange Red Brick was another Coin (#12) .
What happened to #6 through #10? Your buddy will be picking those up.
(He was probably busy while you were 'playing' with the three guyz in your area.)
Now you wait for him to "do his thing".
Go satisfy your CheckPoint Switch ("Wow! A Keg of Zap Cola!" ).
Go past the (lowered) Black Pyramidz and upstairz, past the Silver Timer Switch (a form of Eye Candy) and look behind the DollarSign plant .
What do you know! The Warpstone Piece !
Warpstone #2 Take the Warpstone to the King.