Shovel #3
Gauntletz #4
GunHat #5
SpongeGun #6
GooberStraw #7
Shovel #3, the only grunt properly equipped, crossez alone across a bridge on the left with a combination of Crumbling Bridge Tilez (CBT) and Toggling Bridge Tilez (TBT). Once across, he fillz in a Hole next to an Arrow (either one will do). One down, seven to go.
Then he enticez an enemy grunt to chase him back toward the Arrow , where he stepz on the Mound , and then onto the Arrow when the enemy grunt arrivez (or givez him a mobile Toy).
Any other grunt (carrying a toy) crossez alone across the remaining bridge  on the left.
Two Gruntz safely across, six Gruntz to go. He handz off his toy to the first Grunt, to give it away.
The first Grunt usez the Arrow technique to dispose of another enemy grunt (or givez him a mobile Toy).
Any other grunt (carrying a toy) standz on the left LD with any other one of his teammatez diagonally (southwest) behind him, and they cross together across a bridge on the right (in Tic-Tac-Toe, circle getz the square). He passez his toy forward via Grunt #2 to Grunt #1 ... who givez it to the last enemy Grunt.
The first Grunt usez the Arrow technique to dispose of another enemy grunt (or givez him a mobile Toy).
Then he movez down to fill in a single Hole in the path to the PMGSez , and takez his place on one of the seven.
The second Grunt boldly walkz down the center lane, and takez a spot on one of the six remaining PMGSz .
Grunt #3 and his companion move to stand on PMGSz . Four down, three to go.
Any other grunt standz on the right LD with any other one of his teammatez diagonally (southwest) behind him, and they cross together. Six PMGSz down, one to go.
Any other grunt standz on the right LD with the last teammate one step behind him, and they cross together. Seven PMGSz down, none to go.
The PPz are down ! The Grunt without a leg (er, PMGS ) to stand on grabz the big, heavy Rock and waltzez it into the King's Fortress.
Is that a "PERFECT!" ending to the story?