Shovel #3
Gauntletz #4
Wingz #5
SpongeGun #7
SpongeGun #7 shootz the enemy grunt onto the YHS , which releases 3 RSBz and lowerz the OPz .
Immediately, send Gauntletz #4 and Shovel #3 across the CBT Bridgez to the east, being careful not to step on any CBT in the middle bridge.
A RSB has to roll over this bridge and trigger the BOTS .
Place Shovel #3 and Gauntletz #4 on the BHSz to raise the submerged Bridge Tilez and walk SpongeGun #7 and Wingz #5 across the completed    bridge.
Eliminate the enemy Gruntz  .
Break the Ice Crystalz  (some contain Bottlez of Zap Cola ) and check all the Moundz (some contain Bottlez of Zap Cola which may be acquired by filling in the Holez under them).
There is something interesting in this area. Look around, you may find it.
Now, let's wing it!