Rough terrain

Grunt How am I supposed to get through this?
#2 Walkz to wait (patiently?) at the Green Pyramid until it is lowered .
Approachez a rock from the north, and breakz it (with explosive resultz).
Goez back south to cross the path of a Rolling Coconut to break another rock .
Has to go up and around some Holez to an Arrow , which endz in a Keg of Zap Cola ... which he doesn't need.
Breakz another rock , revealing a Shovel (Tool #5).

#2 Fillz in (at least) one Hole , and crossez the path of that Rolling Coconut again.
Digz up a Mound on a plateau (revealing Gravity Bootz in the Hole ) and fillz it in again. (Grunt #1 will put them on ... Tool #6.)
#1 Must be "one size fitz all", because he happily crossez a field of Spikez to a stairway.
Doez a bit of exploring, then comez back to help grunt #2 through the Spikez .
#2 and
Stepping out in faith (Indiana Jones, The Temple Of Doom) he movez from Red Pyramid (RP) toward RP because grunt #1 is operating a Red Toggle Switch (RTS) for him.
His last move leavez him standing on that RTS , filling in a Hole .
While he is having "fun in the barn" with the "Super Duper Pooper Scooper", grunt #1 goez up the stairway to the west, and preparez to taunt an enemy grunt .
When grunt #1 signalz he is in place, grunt #2 stepz on the BOTS ... and the enemy grunt makez his charge! (Grunt #1 side-stepz.)
Grunt #2 then movez up the stairway to the east and movez up toward the rockz.
When the noise abatez, thingz have changed dramatically. The rockz

were covering up a field of Holez and Spikez!
Grunt #2 exposez his tender feet and fillz in (at least) one Hole ... the one in the middle of three.
Then he fillz in the two Holez westernmost of the three to the north.
Advancing cautiously toward the CheckPoint Switchez (CPS), he escapez back the way he came when the enemy grunt screamz and startz running.
Grunt #2 leading the way, both gruntz take their placez on the CPSz .
Warp Letterz1