How am I supposed to get through this?
Movez onto the Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) he can reach.
(He is safely out of the way there.)
You see that you are immediately faced with two enemy gruntz  opposing you. Thingz are not as hopeless as they may seem, for there is a way to get past both of them with no loss of health.
Getz the Toy (#1) hidden behind the Palm tree and placez it on the Green Hold Switch (GHS), and movez to his own PMGS .
Now that he can pass the Purple Pyramid (PP), the enemy grunt comez after him, so grunt #1 quickly movez past the GHS in order to use the Toy to stop the enemy grunt .
He scootz past the Green Pyramid (GP) and across the Bridge before the Toy breakz.
The faster, more dangerous way to proceed is to go directly to the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) which will free the other Grunt, and then toward the enemy grunt , until he beginz chasing you.
Go up around the small pool of water, and then down to the Two-Way Arrow (TWA) and step on it when the enemy grunt catchez up to you.
Squished Sword Grunt! It is time to re-start the Rolling Coconut.
He then movez to stand on the upper Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) west of him.
Movez onto the YHS nearest the Rolling Coconut .
When the Coconut passez the TWA , movez to stand next to the nearest YHS .
When the Coconut passez the YHS , standz on it until the Coconut passez the next TWA , then movez to stand on the YHS near the small pool to the northeast.
When the Coconut passez the TWA , movez to stand on the nearest YHS .
When the Coconut passez the next TWA , he followz it to the small island, and goez around it to the Green Toggle Switch (GTS) on the other side of the next bridge.
He stepz on the GTS again to lower the GP in the path of the Rolling Coconut ... and wisely movez out of that path.
Leavez the YHS and followz the Rolling Coconut to the GTS .
(Grunt #1 will clear the way for him.)
Movez up the stairway   and waitz beside the two Black Pyramidz (BP).
When the BPz are lowered , pickz up the Gauntletz Tool (#1).
When the Coconut passez the GTS , he stepz on it again (for his buddy).
Then he headz for the Red Toggle Switch (RTS.
(Both gruntz should be in perfect health, but if one isn't, he should get the Tool.)
Startz breaking thingz, starting with the Giant Volcano
and then two small rockz  and pocketz two Coinz (#1 & #2).
(Break the other rock , if you must, but it is empty.)
Break the rock near the CheckPoint Switchez  (CPS), revealing a Secret Switch (which you cannot reach ... yet).
Stand on your CPS and break the other rock , revealing some kind of sign.
Stand on your CPS and the CheckPoint Pyramidz in front of you drop , while the onez behind you (that were lowered ) rise up !
There is no going back!
Survivorz  ... 2
Deathz ... none
Toolz ... 1
Toyz ... 1
Powerupz ... none
Coinz ... 2
Warp Letterz ... none
Secretz ... none