
Grunt Description of what to do
Bare-handed You might try going "west, young Grunt" and pound your fistz bloody against the Grunt with the hard hat ... to no avail.
Or you might try (with similar lack of success) to storm the gates that the Bricklayer is working on.
Best would be to pick on someone your own size(?) and make for a Tool.
Gauntletz Since the Grunt won't take 'No' for an answer, you may as well turn him into a (useless) Goo Puddle .
Break the nearby Ice Crystalz .
What do you suppose that Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) does?
You probably would like to see where that Blue Wormhole (BW) will take you. Go ahead ... but SAVE first.
Put your 'hard handz' to work on more Ice Crystalz ... just to test them out, of course.
Was anything revealed of interest to you?
Anything helpful revealed, such as a BTS ? Press it!
Remember the Grunt with the hard hat ? Is it harder than your (gloved) fists?
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" Leave another (also useless) Goo Puddle covering a (now raised!) Blue Hold Switch (BHS)
Break into the bank (er, Brick fortress) any way you can.
If the hard-working Grunt gets in your way, turn him into another useless Goo Puddle .
Ordinary Brickz you can ignore, unless they block you from something. If so, break them!
Feel like taking a trip through that BW ? SAVEd recently?
Forget the 'hit'. Just run! (Across that BTS is advised.)
Is everything as it should be? Or is something still submerged ?
Did you miss something? Such as a BTS somewhere?
If so, do you know what you missed, and if there is any way to rectify your omission?
Or will you have to re-start, and pay a little more attention to what is going on around you?
Duck! (A little bit late on that one, Charley. Oooh! I bet that smartz!)
Five enemy Gruntz take exception to your presence. Stoned!! (Or merely stunned?) Fight back! More useless Goo Puddlez .
You are not equipped to do anything with the Moundz and Holez you can see, so you naturally complain "C'mon! Gimme something to break!"
So you go east and start the job of breaking Rockz .
(Some penal colony! Raw deal!) "I demand a retrial! Hey! I'm not a target!"
But your effort returnz some small reward. Even a little junk.
One of those Ice Crystalz eventually yields another Tool.
Springz Go placez you couldn't reach before ... such as the other half of the zipper.
Maybe provide a little 'payback' to the enemy Grunt who annoyed you.
On the other side of the zipper you see another Tool.
Shovel You try to fill in Holez , but an enemy Grunt just digz them up again.
You dig up a different Mound and see some assistance floating over the Hole .
So you fill it in , take a deep breath and "pop a pill".
You step onto a Mound and bash the enemy Grunt .
Now that the work you do is no longer being undone, you make the area safe so that you may pick up itemz revealed.
If you are sure you have no further need for your tool, you may pick up the Warpstone Piece .
But check out the small island in the small pond. Another Mound !
And the glittering object down in the corner. Trying for a "PERFECT!" score?
Warpstone Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!
What do you mean, "the way is blocked"? Did you ask politely?
Well ... bribe him! Give him the (un?)broken Toy!