Four Gauntletz Gruntz

and not much else … a Stopwatch (once again, big deal!) and a Megaphone .

While you probably need to enter, in order to get the Toolz or Toyz your team will need, it will probably take you more than a minute to dispose of the four enemy Gauntletz Gruntz.
Do you happen to have any long-range weaponz? Such as a Boomerang , or even a SpongeGun ?

Hmmm? Anti-social typez, aren't they? Two 'way over there, and two 'way over here.
Wonder what would happen it they got together?
Do you have anything that would let you find out? Perhapz, a SpongeGun ?
Go on, give 'em a little nudge to help them get over their shyness (or whatever has them so far apart).