Giant Rock Plateau

One Bare-handed Grunt starts here, and is presented a choice of two Toolz to pick up:
Gauntletz , or Shovel . Decisionz, decisionz!
Look around, and you will see that the only way to exit the plateau is for someone to break the three small Rock Crystalz on the plateau inside the Stairz.
Do you want to use the Shovel first, and go back for the Gauntletz?
Since it might be a long time before any of your Gruntz acquirez Gauntletz , or TimeBombz , the Gauntletz seem to be the best choice.
Start breaking stuff! It won't take long before one of the three enemy gruntz senses you and attackz.
Fight back!!! But don't be tricked into stepping into any hazardz … like Holez , Spikez , or Toolz (such as a Warpstone (!) or Shovel ) you are not ready to use!
While fighting, it is also a good idea to avoiding picking up any Coinz that may be exposed.
(You may get hit with a sucker punch (er, Sponge) while you are occupied.)

One enemy grunt will not move from his starting point unless forced to (as by a flying sponge, or a punch from a boxer) … and you don't want to stand on Spikez while attacking him, do you?
Leave him for later, for another Grunt to handle when the time is right.
Concentrate on turning the two enemy gruntz that do move into two Goo Puddlez .

Continue breaking stuff, and then get your Grunt out of the area, where he is not likely to be attacked while you concentrate on using another one of your Gruntz.

Now look around for another (bare-handed) Grunt; send him into the area to pick up the Shovel .
What's a Shovel good for? Well, then get to it!

It is (usually) safe to pick up any Coinz , or StopWatchez that may be exposed, but do not pick up anything else until you know how (and when) to use it.

If you fill in one of the Holez near the last enemy grunt , you will be able to attack him (and vice-versa).

Watch out for that Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS)!
If you, or any enemy Grunt stepz on that YTS the Rolling Rock (RR) will start doing its thing … rolling!
It is best if you decide when (or if) the RR is released.

After you turn the enemy grunt into Goo (by any meanz), start using that Shovel for its primary use, instead of as a weapon, and start filling in empty Holez , and digging up Moundz loosely filled with dirt (even onez you filled in) … you just might find something of value.

If there are three Goo Puddlez , the Warpstone and something spinning (that you don't know where to use it) is all that is left on the plateau, it is time to leave. If any of those itemz is missing, there is either more to do, or you need to restore from your last SAVE and try again.