Spikez Gully

Is it worth your time (pun intended) for another Stopwatch (once again, big deal!) and a Megaphone ?

Maybe not, but there just may be something else of value in one (or both) of those two Moundz ! (Trust me, there is!)

Finally! An area where it is obvious which Grunt is required to complete the task. Bootz! No Bootz ?
Hmmmm! Maybe there is a reason to pick up those Megaphonez you find all over the place, and use them!

But be careful! The Resource Center only has space for four Toolz, or four Toyz at a time.
The fifth (and later) onez of either kind fall into that area at the bottom that looks like a shredder. It is!
Lost forever. So never use a Megaphone if you have four Itemz in any column.
First give one (or more) of the available Itemz to bare-handed Grunt(z).
Where you can go wrong (etc.) is to give a Tool to the wrong Grunt, so the Grunt who really needz the Item goes without.