Snaky Pool

Okay. Toobz from the Landing Dock (LD) to the LD , pick up Megaphone and two Coinz , and paddle toward the Ice Crystalz , pretty obvious.

Also obvious that the Toob is going to get punctured by those ToobSpikez on the LD .

"Hey! Wake up, up there, and get me some Gauntletz."

Eventually it will happen, but how much has to happen before you get what you need?
And is there another Grunt who needz those Gauntletz worse (or at least, earlier) than you do?
After all, where are you going to go from here, without a Toob?
It really lookz like that Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) is the end of the line for this Grunt.
Let him cool his heelz for a while.