King's Fortress

At last! You've made it. Or have you? You do have the Gruntz you need to satisfy the Warpstone , Gauntletz and Spy Gear CheckPoint Switchez here, don't you?
No Spy? It's rather late in the puzzle ... it would be a real shame if you missed something 'way back when.
Fortunately, you will be able to find what you need nearby.
If you see something / you can break, break it!
Holez to fill, or Moundz to dig up … use that Shovel!
Now why would anybody put a Stopwatch there? Don't need it, we're here, with lots of time to spare.
You know that it will take you less than a minute to go down there and get that StopWatch , and then you will be able to brag about how much time you had left over when you finished the puzzle. "Whoa! I don't remember seeing that before!"
Now, if you had the proper Toolz when you went through the first two Red Warpz , there is absolutely nothing for you to do in the place where the wormhole takez you!
You don't need to go through the wormhole in order to achieve a "PERFECT!" score.