GooberStraw , guarded by two enemy Gruntz

None of the weaponz available to you will reach the two enemy Gruntz without them being able to attack you first. Did you find anything that might help?
Wouldn't it be nice to be invisible; walk right up to the enemy, whack 'em a couple of timez, and turn 'em into nice neat, handy Goo Puddlez ? What!?! No Invisibility PowerUp?
Maybe there is something you missed elsewhere in this puzzle. Whatever.
If you are good at hand-to-hand combat (while covering your head) you can knock them into submission.
Now you have another decision to make: to whom do you give the GooberStraw ?
Remember: a Grunt is only able to carry one Tool at a time, and will throw away any Tool he may already have.
Can you reach the Green Toggle Switch (GTS), or the Stopwatch ?
Hmmm. Might have to come back later, with another Grunt.
Of course, if your Grunt has Gauntletz , he can do what he does best, and break thingz.
(You did put him out of harm's way, didn't you? But not too far out of harm's way.)
Unless all the enemy Gruntz you can see (anywhere on the entire map!) have been turned into Goo Puddlez , it is not wise to pick up the Straw .
Anyway, the path is clear now, and you can decide who gets the GooberStraw later.