2 Dozen Sugar Cube pilez

Grunt Description of what to do
Gauntletz #6 Stepz forward and smashez the first pile of Sugar Cubez.

which revealz work for another team member

Then he stepz back to allow Shovel #5 to go to work.
Shovel #5 Fillz in Holez and digz up Moundz .
Sometimez he hearz a ticking sound ... and wisely stepz back.
That startz a chain reaction that destroyz more pilez of Sugar Cubez.
That, in turn, revealz more Holez and Moundz for the "super duper pooper scooper".
SpongeGun #1
Suicide Bomber #2
BrickLayer #3
Gravity Bootz #4
Springz #7
Warpstone #8
Shield #9
Move quickly to your CPS , because another grunt is probably on his way!