Big Griddle and Spikez

Grunt Description of what to do
Springz #7 Take control like Moe of The Three Stoogez, and tell a couple of gruntz to 'spread out' so you may enter the Griddle.
Make your way across the Crumbling Bridge tilez to the Coin (Coin #1) on the Blue Hold Switch (BHS).
Stand there while the other eight team memberz (in any order!) cross the Bridge tilez you are holding up and go through the GW .
If you try to join them, you will find a real "hot time". If you hop to the Bridge tile on the way to the GW , you will find it submerged when you land. OUCH!
The path you will take will involve some free choicez, and sometimez you will be forced to go somewhere, and sometimez you will return to a place you already visited.
SpongeGun #1
Suicide Bomber #2
BrickLayer #3
Gravity Bootz #4
Shovel #5
Gauntletz #6
Warpstone #8
Shield #9
When the Bridge appearz, make your way across it and then go through the GW .
Move quickly to your CPS , because another grunt is probably on his way!