Walkthrough (Normal mode only)

Grunt(z) Description of what to do
West side sextet ... you may use the east side sextet first
SpongeGun #2 Springz #3 Barehanded #4 Shovel #5 Gauntletz #6 Brickz #7
Bare-handed #4 Will go through the Blue Wormhole (BW) ...
everyone else just standz on Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS) and a Green Hold Switch (GHS) ... or anywhere safe ... to lower Purple Pyramidz (PP) and Green Pyramidz (GP).
He landz on a Question Mark Switch (QMS), and pocketz a Coin (Coin #1).
Don't dawdle! Move him along!
He movez to another QMS , and pocketz another Coin (Coin #2).
He movez to another QMS , and pocketz another Coin (Coin #3).
He movez to the last QMS , and pocketz a final Coin (Coin #4).
He movez past the (former) Construction Pyramid where he will spend the rest of the puzzle operating either the GHS , or stand on a PMGS . (#1 of 10)
Shovel #5,
Gauntletz #6 and
any two other Gruntz.
One "other Grunt" stepz on the Silver Timer Switch (STS) and watchez as first Grunt #5, then Grunt #6 goez through the Silver Pyramidz (SP) as they are lowered .
With those two Gruntz standing on their CheckPoint Switchez (CPS), two CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) are lowered .
That "other Grunt" stepz on the STS one more time, and one of the other two remaining Gruntz goez through another part of the SP maze to another STS .
The other "other Grunt" stepz on the STS and Shovel #5 exitz the SPz to the north, and activatez a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
Everyone else can join him via the lowered Black Pyramidz (BP).
The GPz prevent your team from continuing, and Grunt #4 sayz "It's not my fault!"
By now you have probably noticed that east helpz west, and vice-versa.
When the GPz are lowered , Gauntletz #6 seez work he can do ... and doez it.
Well, he pocketz two Coinz (Coinz #19 & #20) for his effort, but the BPz prevent any movement to the north. How about toward the west? Yep!
Two BOTSz , and another Die ... must be the Grunt with the hard handz to go there!
Crossing to the island to the west is no problem, but he findz himself going back and forth, forth and back, stuck between two Arrowz . "Hey, Rube!"
SpongeGun #2 to the rescue! Two roundz of "friendly fire" move Grunt #6 along.
But the third round fallz short. "That's a problem!"
The submerged Bridge tile comez up , and SpongeGun #2 takez a step closer.
This time a sponge findz the mark, and Gauntletz #6 reachez a BOTS .
He easily activatez the second BOTS ... but nothing happenz here.
When the BPz are lowered , it is safe to 'ride' south and break that Die .
He pickz up the Warp letter and standz on the PMGS . (#3 of 10)
East side sextet ... you may use the west side sextet first
SpongeGun #12 Springz #1 Bare #11 Shovel #10 Gauntletz #9 Brickz #8
Bare-handed #11 Will go through the BW ...
everyone else just standz on PMGSz and a GHS ... or anywhere safe ... to lower PPz and GPz .
He landz on a QMS , and pocketz a Coin (Coin #15).
Don't dawdle! Move him along!
He movez to another QMS , and pocketz another Coin (Coin #16).
He movez to another QMS , and pocketz another Coin (Coin #17).
He movez to the last QMS , and pocketz a final Coin (Coin #18).
He movez past the (former) Construction Pyramid where he will spend the rest of the puzzle operating either the GHS , or stand on a PMGS . (#2 of 10)
Shovel #10,
Gauntletz #9 and
any two other Gruntz.
One "other Grunt" stepz on the STS and watchez as first Grunt #10, then Grunt #9 goez through the SPz as they are lowered .
With those two Gruntz standing on their CPSez , two CPPz are lowered .
That "other Grunt" stepz on the STS one more time, and one of the other two remaining Gruntz goez through another part of the SP maze to another STS .
The other "other Grunt" stepz on the STS and Shovel #5 exitz the SPz to the north, and activatez a BOTS .
Everyone else can join him via the lowered BPz .

The GPz prevent your team from continuing, and Grunt #11 sayz "It's not my fault!"
When the GPz are lowered , Shovel #10 seez work he can do ... and doez it.
Well, he pocketz a Coin (Coin #23) for his effort, but the BPz prevent any movement to the north. How about toward the east? Yep!
Two BOTSz , and another Mound ... must be the Grunt with the Shovel to go there!
Crossing to the island to the east is no problem, but he findz himself going back and forth, forth and back, stuck between two Arrowz . "Hey, Rube!"
SpongeGun #12 to the rescue! Two roundz of "friendly fire" move Grunt #10 along.
Bare-handed #2 Do stuff. Search for a Tool, etc.
Shovel #1 Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Springz #1 Go placez no one else can reach.
Gravity Bootz #1 Go placez no one else can go (painlessly).
Bare-handed #2 Do stuff. Search for a Tool, etc.
Springz Go placez no one else can reach.
Shovel Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Gauntletz Break stuff , and bash enemy gruntz .
Springz Go placez no one else can reach.
Toob Go placez no one else can reach.
Shovel Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Toob Go placez no one else can reach.
Shovel Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Warpstone Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!