Secret X Y Description of the Secret

Red Warp #1
33 76 There is a Mound (containing a Coin) in the northeast corner of the Laver (the north side of the Tabernacle).
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the southeast corner outside of the Tabernacle, where your grunt will dig up a Warp Letter .
RW #2 47 46 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) in the Spikez area ... surrounded by Holez .
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you outside the Tabernacle on the eastern edge (actually the north side of the Tabernacle ... the map's southern edge actually pointz to the east). Your grunt will be stuck there, until other team memberz perform certrain taskz.
When they are successful, your grunt will "spring ahead" to pick up the Warp Letter .
RW #3 50 37 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is a BOTS surrounded by Spikez on the north side (east edge of the map) of the Table of Shewbread.
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the southeast corner outside of the Tabernacle, where your grunt will clomp along in his clod-hopperz to pick up the Warp Letter .
RW #4 47 37 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is on the Table of Shewbread, the one place where your tenderfoot would not want to walk.
The RW will open one tile away.
The RW will take you to the southeast corner outside of the Tabernacle, where your grunt will punch his way to the Warp Letter .