
X Y Toyz Where you may acquire them
1 3 Yo-Yo Shovel fillz in a Hole then digz up the Mound near where he enterz the puzzle to uncover it. A Grunt pickz it up and carriez it around until a use is discovered for it.
(Then it may be given to another Grunt with the correct Tool for a task ahead.)
1 5 Beach Ball Shovel fillz in a Hole then digz up the Mound near where he enterz the puzzle to uncover it. A Grunt pickz it up and carriez it around until a use is discovered for it.
(Then it may be given to another Grunt with the correct Tool for a task ahead.)
74 73 Yo-Yo Gauntletz breakz a Rock containing a TimeBomb that breakz a Giant Rock

which revealz a Rock broken by another TimeBomb to uncover it. Gauntletz movez it to a place where it will do some good.
In addition, there are several Toyz packed away in ToyBoxez that may be found in various placez, which a certain Grunt will pick up, forgetting what he was doing, in the process.