Block 2 of 9 (b)

Gruntz SudokuTM Box 2 of 9 (bottom center)
7 GooberStraw You take your place and a Red Wormhole (RW) openz under you.
Goo delight! Nine, count 'em, nine Goo Puddlez of various colorz there for you to suck up.
Your arrival seemed to signal the departure of the enemy Grunt who was waiting in the area, and you notice a Green Pyramid (GP) lowered nearby.
As you remove each Goo Puddle, a Green Toggle Switch (GTS) is revealed (perhapz obscured by a RW ), so you know you have to step on each one of them before you leave the area. Two new Gruntz will be baked, but it is wise to wait until you have a good idea of where a new Grunt needz to enter the puzzle. Drop a Grunt into the game at the wrong place ... or at the wrong time ... and you will be going back to your most recent SAVE slot to do a re-start. In spite of everything you do, though, you cannot activate the GTS under the RW . "I hope that one's not important", as you exit through the RW .
8 Gravity Bootz You land, and that enemy Grunt takez a 'pot shot' at you. Of course, he can't move you anywhere, but after a while those Spongez will turn you into a quivering puddle of Goo so you'd better not dally! You remember that the team's goal is to raise Bridge Tilez by activating Blue Switchez, like the four Blue Toggle Switchez (BTS)you see nearby, so you step lively before the first sponge hitz you. At the last BTS you realize that you are out of range of any more projectilez from the enemy, so you stand there until you know it is safe to go back through the RW .
3 BrickLayer You're alwayz complaining about the hard work you have to do, so just take a break and go stand on your CheckPoint Switch !
2 Boomerang "Whoa! That was a trip!" and you land on some Springz .