Walkthrough (Normal mode only)

Grunt Description of what to do (actionz may go on simultaneously)
Bare-handed #1 South is dangerous , so go north and see if that Megaphone might provide you with a Tool. (It does, but for your buddy, not for you!)

After a little while the danger is past, so you head down to the vicinity of the Megaphone .
"Come on, tough guy!", you egg on the enemy Grunt , and your buddy Springz #2 joinz in, and soon there is a quivering Goo Puddle at your feet ... and there is even a GooberStraw to use on it! You convert yourself into ("Ta-da!") GooberStraw #1.
Bare-handed #2 Dive through the Blue Wormhole (BW). Did you bump your nose? Try the other one!
Check out the GruntzMachine for a Tool (Tool #1).
Springz #2 South is still dangerous , so go some place no one else can reach.
Remove yourself, before the Red Warp (RW) removez you!
It is now safe to check out where the BW leadz.
You land in the "Large Magellanic Cloud" and hop around to collect a Coin (Coin #001) and the Warp letter .
Bounce down to the vicinity of the Megaphone and wait for reinforcementz (short wait).

When your buddy #1 arrivez, gang up on the enemy Grunt , and do a 'conversion' ... into Goo ! While your buddy (now GooberStraw #1) "policez up the area", you use the Megaphone to call for another Tool.
Put those Slinky®z to work and go stand on your CheckPoint Switch (CPS) (short wait).

You are no longer needed for any fighting, so just explore on ahead, until you reach a barrier.
Do not attempt to find a way past it on your own ... you are much too slow! (Long wait.)
When GooberStraw #1 and Gauntletz #4 finally join you, GooberStraw #1 "holdz the door" (standz on one of two Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS)) and you and Gauntletz #4 proceed past the (lowered) Purple Pyramidz (PP).
Bare-handed #7, who helped to "hold the door" followz along with you.
"This lookz challenging!" ... so you wisely step back and let your buddiez take the lead.
When you have been shown the way, you follow ... but get side-tracked.
GooberStraw #1 You put one Goo Puddle in the Goo Well with the remainz of the enemy Grunt .
Roam around and you will find three more Goo Puddlez to put into the Goo Well, enough to bake a new Grunt.
Findz a CPS and CheckPoint Pyramidz go down .
Somewhere along this arm of the galazy there are twelve more Goo Puddlez ... go get 'em!
Each time the Goo Well is full, enter another Grunt into the game.
Your effort addz Gruntz #3, #4, #6 and #7 into the game. Grunt #5? Resurrected!
If the rest of the team has performed as expected, you may stand quietly on the Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) ahead.
If they have been a little slow ... "Hey Charlie ... duck your head!"
Bare-handed #3 Pick up the Coin (Coin #002) right before you.
Check out the GruntzMachine for a Tool (Tool #2).
Shovel #3 Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , and then dive through a BW . More work ahead! Three Holez (that you can do something about ) and
a Giant Rock

beyond them. "Now, how am I supposed to get around this?!?"
Your question is answered a little while later when you dig up a Mound and hear a ticking sound.
Another Mound turnz up a Coin (Coin #004) (which you pocket).
The last Mound turnz up a Toy ... which you may carry around for a while ... or leave right there.
The obstruction was blown away leaving a clear path.

Follow this arm of the galazy toward the core ... until you meet an obstacle .

When another Grunt (Gravity Bootz #5) comez along, he helpz you pass the obstacle.
"Hey! Wait for me!" you hear, as a Bare-handed Grunt #6 comez along. So you do.
Now you form "The Three Caballeroz"; Shovel #3, Gravity Bootz #5 and Bare-handed #6.
Bare-handed #4 Pick up the Coin (Coin #003) right before you.
Check out the GruntzMachine for a Tool (Tool #3).
Gravity Bootz #5 Go placez no one else can go (painlessly).
Gauntletz Go placez no one else can reach.
Gauntletz Break stuff , and bash enemy gruntz .
Springz Go placez no one else can reach.
Shovel Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Toob Go placez no one else can reach.
Shovel Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash enemy gruntz , etc.
Warpstone Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!