
X Y Secret Type Description of the location
28 4 Secret Switch #1 Located near where Grunt #2 enterz the game in the northeast corner of the map.
It temporarily changez CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) to Arrowz in the northwest corner (X=1,Y=8 for Grunt #1 to reach Coin #1) and the northeast corner (X=31,Y=8 for Grunt #2 to reach Coin #2).
Both Gruntz now within the outermost wall surrounding Jericho (the King's Fortress).
5 26 Secret Switch #2 It temporarily changez CPPz in the southwest to an Arrow (X=8,Y=28 for Grunt #1) and the northeast to an Arrow (X=28,Y=8 for Grunt #2), allowing both to enter the second outer wall.
28 22 Secret Switch #3 It temporarily changez a single CPP at X=18,Y=27 to an Arrow .
This allowz Grunt #2 (slow, carrying the Warpstone ) and Grunt #1
(faster, armed and activating the QMS ) entry into the third wall.
16 26 Secret Switch #4 It temporarily changez a single CPP at X=26,Y=14 to an Arrow , which allowz Warpstone Grunt #2 (already nearby) and Sword Grunt #1 (activating the QMS ) to enter the fourth wall.