
No. X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
5 3 Toob Original Grunt turnz an enemy Grunt into a Goo Puddle to acquire it.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
3 13 Toob Original Grunt losez it to an enemy Grunt , then 'convinces' the enemy Grunt to join him (who becomez Grunt #2 ).
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
He will be the "sacrificial lamb" and frequently lose (and regain) his Toob.
Along the way, he will satisfy several CheckPoint Switchez (CPS).
3 11 Boomerang Original Grunt 'convinces' an enemy Grunt to join him (who becomez Grunt #3 ).
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
Along the way, he will satisfy two CPSz .
2 17 GooberStraw Original Grunt 'convinces' an enemy Grunt to join him (who becomez Grunt #4 ) ... and never relinquishez his Tool.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
Along the way, he will satisfy several CPSz .
2 34 Sword Boomerang Grunt #3 turnz an enemy Grunt in Room #4 into a Goo Puddle and later pickz up the Tool that is left behind.
He will pick up many Swordz which do not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.
11 44 Toob Grunt #2 losez it to an enemy Grunt in Room #6 and when that Grunt is turned into a Goo Puddle , he pickz up the Tool that is left behind.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
12 46 Toob Grunt #2 losez it to an enemy Grunt in Room #6 and when that Grunt is turned into a Goo Puddle , he pickz up the Tool that is left behind.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
12 31 Toob Grunt #2 losez it to an enemy Grunt in Room #7 and when that Grunt is turned into a Goo Puddle , he pickz up the Tool that is left behind.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
12 22 Toob Grunt #2 losez it to an enemy Grunt in Room #8 and when that Grunt is turned into a Goo Puddle , he pickz up the Tool that is left behind.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)
1 28 45 Shovel In plain sight, next to an enemy Grunt . Grunt #1(a) pickz it up.
2 29 47 Gravity Bootz Buried in a Hole which (eventually) becomez an ordinary tile .
Grunt #5 putz them on ... briefly. He probably will exchange Toolz later.
3 37 42 Rockz Buried in a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile .
Grunt #6 pickz them up and launchez them at enemy Gruntz.
Properly armed, he will be able to satisfy a CheckPoint Switch .
He will probably refresh his 'ammunition' several timez in Room #11.
4 31 42 Gauntletz Buried in a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile .
Grunt #7 pickz them up and (judiciously) breakz some small thingz while avoiding other small thingz .
He may also tackle a few large thingz.

Properly armed, he will be able to satisfy a CheckPoint Switch .
He may also have to break some enemy Gruntz.
5 30 42 Bricklaying Toolz Buried in a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile .
Grunt #3 pickz them up and proceedz to lay a Brick where it will do the most good, removing a hazardous Rolling 8 Ball .
Properly armed, he will be able to satisfy a CheckPoint Switch .
6 32 42 Shovel Buried in a Mound which becomez an ordinary tile .
Gravity Bootz #5 will pick up the new Tool.
7 43 6 Springz In plain sight north of the pool on the eastern edge, on an ordinary tile next to the Landing Dock . Grunt #8 should put them on.
8 43 21 Wingz In plain sight on an island in the pool on the eastern edge, on an ordinary tile next to a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch . Grunt #9 should put them on.
9 39 0 Shovel Gauntletz breakz a Die Cube to reveal it. (Not very useful.)
10 27 30 Gauntletz In plain sight atop a Spikez tile on a levitating island.
Reached via a Red Warp (RW).
21 47 Warpstone Buried in a Mound south of the King's Fortress.
Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.