Where to start: (Normal mode only)

All Gruntz:Send your four Gruntz to kill the Shovel Grunt. An easy way to do this is to move all the Gruntz barely out of 'sight' of the enemy Grunt, then move one in to the left of the grunt, one to the top, and the other two to the right. If you just send all of them to fight him without giving the first two direct orders to move first, only two or three will end up fighting the enemy and it will be harder to keep them all alive.

Once you have killed that Grunt, have one Grunt step on the to lower the z, and give the wounded Gruntz Zap Cola.
It's easiest if all the Gruntz are as healthy as possible, and three need to be over half health in order to complete the level.
(I had no problem restoring all four Gruntz to full health, with the two canz of Zap Cola, and the two bottlez of Zap Cola.)
After the Gruntz are healed up, move your least healthy Grunt to step on one of the leading up. When the first Grunt has moved about four spaces, send another Grunt after it. The timing on this doesn't matter much, but if you send Gruntz on the arrow path all at once, they could walk on each other or end up on the wrong side. It should end up that two Gruntz are on one side and two Gruntz are on the other side. After this happens, send them to the z that they are near and this will lower two z lower in the level, near the Warpstone.
West side Gruntz:One of them goez up the stairz into the plateau with the Rolling SnowBallz and pickz up the Gauntletz. The other pickz up the Club from the same plateau.
East side Gruntz:The less healthy one of them goez to get the Warpstone and have the other Grunt get the Shovel.
Warpstone Grunt:When you pick up the Warpstone, you have one major task: stay alive! The only real danger to you should be from your own teammatez! If you don't step lively at the proper timez, you could be squished by one of your friendz trying to disprove a basic natural law: "No two bodiez may occupy the same place ... at the same time!"

Find a safe place that is out of the way, until your buddiez give you the 'all clear'. Three stepz east and one step north, for example.
Shovel Grunt:Shovel digz up a few z and likez what he seez.
Gauntletz Grunt:Break all of the z north of the
and revealz a can of Zap Cola, and a . Since the only z are several stepz away, it would be prudent to have one Grunt (you) stay outside and operate the Switch, and another Grunt (Club) negotiate the maze. (You can see it, but not reach the Giant Rock, so it is more likely that you will have something else to do, than your buddy with the 'big ugly stick'.)
Club Grunt:There is a Sword Grunt emulating a Buckingham Palace Guard nearby. Stand as close to him as you possibly can (he getz reprimanded if he movez!) and wait for help from the Shovel Grunt on the east side.
Shovel Grunt:There is a Sword Grunt emulating a Buckingham Palace Guard nearby. Stand as close to him as you possibly can and wait for help from the Club Grunt on the west side.
Are you both in place, ready to go? Start whacking that Sword Grunt! (Select both of them and tell them to attack the Sword Grunt.) The Sword Grunt should only attack once, but if for some reason your Gruntz can't kill him before he attacks twice, make sure he attacks the other Grunt. When all that is left of him is a quivering Goo Puddle, it is possible to go to the ... and get stuck between an and a . That would undo the good work done with that shovel earlier. Instead, the Shovel Grunt goez and standz on the until the Rolling Rock leavez the plateau. Then make your way down to stand on the that requirez a Grunt with Gauntletz, to be satisfied.
Warpstone Grunt:Make your way down to stand on the that requirez a Grunt with a Club, to be satisfied.
Gauntletz Grunt: and Club Grunt:Move your Club Grunt so that he's two spaces to the west of the farthest west . Have your Gauntletz Grunt step on the , and move your Club Grunt to the right . After the z lower to z, move your Gauntletz Grunt in to break the Giant Rock and have him pick up the Beach Ball. Break the top and bottom z that were under the Giant Rock, but don't break the to the left of the .

Send your Gauntletz Grunt back to the and have him lower the z so the Club Grunt can move to the left three spaces to the other . Then move your Gauntletz Grunt to above the right side of the tree. Then quickly move him back to above (where) the Zap Cola (was). You should be far enough away that he doesn't see you after a while. (He will continue to follow you for a while then stop.)

Then step on the again and move the Club Grunt back on to the right . Move the Gauntletz Grunt down and attract the attention of the Sword Grunt. You shouldn't have to worry about your Gauntletz Grunt getting hit once because he should have enough health to withstand one hit from the Sword Grunt. Have your Gauntletz Grunt cross over the and stand next to it and press Y to activate your Beach Ball. When the Sword Grunt is standing on top of the , give the Sword Grunt the Beach Ball. Break the and get the Coin, then leave and press the to let your Club Grunt move to the left . This servez two purposes: it will trap the Sword Grunt, and will allow your Gauntletz Grunt to press the other above the .

Then move the Gauntletz Grunt onto to the stairway ... but no further!

Have your Club Grunt move up to the once only warp two spaces above and one space to the left of the , underneath the tree there. He will land next to the , so nothing (or noone) you need should be left there. Stand on the that requirez a Grunt with the Warpstone, to be satisfied.
Gauntletz Grunt:With the entire team in place, you step forward onto the and break the . Underneath it is ... a !
Shovel Grunt:"It lookz like that's a job for me!" Looking around, you see that there is definitely something wrong here! Everybody is in the wrong place. How do we sort this out?
All Gruntz:Rotate!
  1. Club Grunt and Gauntletz Grunt exchange places
  2. Club Grunt and Shovel Grunt exchange places
  3. Club Grunt and Warpstone Grunt exchange places
  4. Gauntletz Grunt and Shovel Grunt exchange places
  5. Gauntletz Grunt and Warpstone Grunt exchange places
  6. Shovel Grunt and Warpstone Grunt exchange places
Everyone is now able to stand in their assigned placez. Voila! The dropz to a that everyone may cross!
Warpstone Grunt: Take the rock to the King’z Fortress. (Stop before going in, if your goal is to achieve a "PERFECT!" score. Your buddiez may find something of value.)
Any other Grunt:Go into the area where z and z are changing states. "Up. Down. No up. This'll be tough!" Make your way to the in the upper left-hand corner. From there, go quickly two stepz south, then come right back again (you'll know when the time is right). There is a that you can reach (with some difficulty), so 'hop to it'! What happenz when you step on that thing will likely require that one of your buddiez takez advantage of your handiwork (or is it 'footi'work?) If you are extremely fast (and extremely lucky!), you may be able to do it all yourself. (I wouldn't count on it, though.)
When the Warpstone is handed to the King, you may see this on your Statz Page