4 x 100 Relay Walkthrough (by Gamer) You will want to start with the upper grunt (called Grunt 1) in the left middle part of the map. (This is the grunt by the water pool.) Put that grunt on the dock, then send him up to the gauntletz (by stepping on the left most crumblez bridges) and then send him to the orange bridge by stepping on the top-most crumble bridges. To get past the next section, you will have to get the clubz grunt to step on the right most yellow bridge slightly before it goes down, so the clubz grunt will drown. (In my practice, I found that clicking on the leftmost tile just as the topmost one comes up works.) Then just walk around until you can get off at the rightmost orange bridge. Break all three rocks in the space to the right. Don't step on the blue toggle switches, just go and get the beach ball and go back to the crumble bridges, going straight down-left back to the left-middle of the level where the grunt started. Press Y (or select the beach ball by clicking on the grunt) to deliver the beach ball "across" the mushrooms so it is "passed" to where the next grunt can reach it. (This will be done two more times, and is the idea of this level. It will be needed at the only pressure plate in this level which should have a beach ball, in the lower middle part of the level.) Then move Grunt 1 back to the blue switches and now would be a good time to save. SAVE! Have the other grunt (Grunt 2) that is below Grunt 1 to pick up the beach ball, then go back to the bridge he was standing on. You can send the grunt to step on all the crumble bridges, but it isn't neccesary. Send the grunt over onto the orange bridge by the yellow bridges. Saving now would be good since this timing puzzle is tricky, but you can see the path if you look closely enough. Many of the bridges will go up and down and back up quicker than a grunt can move. Look for one bridge that goes up and down slowly, then on the next cycle, look for an adjacent bridge that goes up, and continue this until you see the path. The path for the grunt to move is right, down, right, right, up, up, right, right, down, right, right. Then have that grunt press the blue switch but don't press the orange switch yet! The grunt in the upper right corner by some red mushrooms (Grunt 3) needs to move diagonally up-left then down-left to get the coin. Move Grunt 3 back to its starting square and then have Grunt 2 press the orange switch, then move Grunt 2 back to just above the blue switch. Have Grunt 1 step on the yellow hold switch and step there until the rolling golf ball has gone to the right side of the left-right arrow. Then move that grunt to between the two blue switches. When the ball is almost on the left most green crumble bridge (between the two orange bridges) press the bottom blue switch. Then when it's almost on the next green crumble bridge, press the top blue switch. This should keep the rolling golf ball from falling into the water. When the rolling golf ball presses the blue switch, send Grunt 2 to the two golf clubs in the middle of the level and "pass" the beach ball to where the next grunt can reach it and then save. SAVE! Have Grunt 3 get the sponge gun and shoot the green grunt twice so he is on the orange switch. Then move through the shooting golf balls. Like the yellow bridges, there will be golf balls that just keep popping up (like the bottom three golf balls on the left side) which will be unable to be on a path. Note which balls don't do this, and most of those balls will be on a path when they are not out of the hole. The path to take to get to where the beach ball will be starts at the fourth hole from the left on the bottom row, then goes diagonally up-left, left, left, left. The timing is somewhat tight, so click on the next hole right when the ball is back in the hole. Have Grunt 3 pick up the beach ball. Then, if you want to complete the two secrets, head to the right. If you don't want to head to the secrets, have Grunt 3 go through the green warp and skip the next section. If Grunt 3 doesn't go through the green warp, send it to the dock on the right by following another path which is diagonally up-right, up, right, right, right, diagonally down-right, diagonally down-right. Then send this grunt over the two yellow bridges. The timing is tight here, so save and practice if you need to. Remember that you can tell your grunt to walk onto an almost-raised bridge on a death tile so figure out when the bottom-left bridge will raise and walk onto that a little bit early to make it across in time. Then fire your sponge gun at the enemy grunt. When he falls into the quicksand, he will open up a warp for you. SECRET! Your grunt will be transported and pick up gauntletz and some coins. After breaking all the rocks (the top-left one is extra thick, so you will need to hit it three times to break it) collect the coins and move Grunt 3 into the warp. Have Grunt 3 break all the rocks on the bottom row. Then have that grunt break the two rocks under a red mushroom. After that, have Grunt 3 break the rock to the left of the rightmost red mushroom while standing below the red mushroom. You won't be able to get the coin yet. If you want to, break the rock below the coin and diagonally down-left of the coin, but they are both grey pyramids so it won't do anything. Stand on the green switch while breaking the two remaining rocks adjacent to it. Then step off the green switch and you will notice the pyramids have gone down. Step on the pyramids and break the top middle rock which will be the secret switch. Finally, press the secret switch. SECRET! Quickly get the coin and move back to the secret switch square. Another rock should appear where the coin just was. Get the coin and then go to where arrows have appeared under the volcano. Follow the arrows, get the W, then follow the arrows back. Hurry back to the dock where a crumble bridge has appeared and use it and a dock which will appear to get back to the area where Grunt 3 started. Follow the path you did before to the green warp and move your grunt into the warp. When the grunt appears next to where the last grunt (Grunt 4) is located, move that grunt to the 1 switch and "pass" the beach ball diagonally down-right to Grunt 4 and save. SAVE! Move Grunt 4 to get the beach ball and then send it to get the springz. Then once Grunt 4 has the springz, move it to the left of the black pyramids and have Grunt 4 bounce around to the beach ball pressure plate and the coin. After this, move the springz grunt onto the checkpoint pyramids and to the warpstone. Then send Grunt 4 to get the coin under the golf clubs on the right side of the level. Then bring the warpstone to the king. You got a perfect score! Toolz: 4 out of 4: The gauntletz by the crumble bridges that Grunt 1 received, the sponge gun by green grunt, the gauntletz in the secret warp, and the springs that Grunt 4 received. Toys: 1 out of 1: The beach ball that was "passed" along. Powerups: 0 out of 0 Coins: 8 out of 8: The coin by the orange pyramids, the three coins in the warp secret, the two coins in the two rocks to the right of the secret switch, the coin to the left of the kings fort, and the coin above the king's fort hidden by the golf clubs. Secrets: 2 out of 2: The warp by the green grunt and the secret switch in the top middle rock in the top-right part of the level.