Secretz ... found by Grunt #1

X Y Secret Type Description of the location
35 10
Question Mark Switch (QMS) #1
Located under an Ice Crystal in the northeast corner of the map.
It createz a temporary Bridge to the island toward the northeast.
Collect a Coin (Coin #4) when you activate it.
48 5
Red Warp (RW) #1
The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Warp letter on the Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) revealed when a Giant Ice Crystal is broken.
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the northern edge of the island to the south.
Collect two Coinz (Coinz #11 and #12) on that island.
49 29 QMS #2 Buried in a Mound at the southern edge of the island.
It createz a temporary Bridge to the 'mainland' to the west.
Collect a Coin (Coin #13) when you activate it.
42 31 QMS #3 Buried in a Mound hidden behind a tree.
Collect a Coin (Coin #16) when you activate it.
It createz a temporary Bridge to the island toward the southeast.
48 37 RW #2 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Warp letter on the PMGS revealed when a Giant Ice Crystal is broken.
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the eastern edge of the island to the west.
Collect eight Coinz (Coinz #23 through #30) on that island.
13 38 QMS #4 Under an Ice Crystal at the western edge of the island.
It createz a temporary Bridge to the 'mainland' to the north.
Collect a Coin (Coin #31) when you activate it.
14 30 QMS #5
A Giant Ice Crystal
is broken

revealing it in the center.

Collect a Coin (Coin #34) when you activate it.
5 37 RW #3 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Warp letter on the PMGS revealed when a Giant Ice Crystal is broken.
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the eastern edge of the island to the north.
Collect two Coinz (Coinz #41 and #42) on that island.
13 38 QMS #6 Under an Ice Crystal at the northern edge of the island.
It createz a temporary Bridge to the 'mainland' to the east.
Collect a Coin (Coin #43) when you activate it.
11 11 QMS #7
A Giant Ice Crystal
is broken

revealing it in the center.

Collect a Coin (Coin #45) when you activate it.
5 5 RW #4 The SecretTeleporterTrigger is the Warp letter on the PMGS revealed when a Giant Ice Crystal is broken.
The RW will open in place.
The RW will take you to the western edge of the island to the east.
Collect eight Coinz (Coinz #52 through #59) on that island.
Note that a 'purist' would have exactly one Red Warp and exactly one Question Mark Switch in a puzzle.