In the order acquired (roughly)

No. X Y Tool Where you acquire it
1 32 30 Boomerang In plain sight ... Bare-handed Grunt #1 enterz the puzzle two stepz away from it.
2 36 30 GooberStraw In plain sight ... Boomerang Grunt #1 goez four stepz east and getz it.
3 18 10 SpongeGun In plain sight ... newly baked Bare-handed Grunt #2 enterz the puzzle on a GruntCreationPad and receivez it as a prize. He then shootz everyone in sight.
4 47 34 Gauntletz In plain sight ... GooberStraw Grunt #1 goez through a small Green Pyramidz maze and pickz them up.
5 59 40 GooberStraw Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #1 reachez it via a Question Mark Switch (QMS) in the southeast corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it.
6 60 39 Shovel Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #1 reachez it via a QMS in the southeast corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it. After he pickz up and usez the GooberStraw , he leavez with the shovel.
7 51 11 Gauntletz In a Mound ... Shovel Grunt #1 digz them up.
8 59 3 GooberStraw Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #1 reachez it via a QMS in the northeast corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it.
9 60 4 Shovel Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #1 reachez it via a QMS in the northeast corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it. After he pickz up and usez the GooberStraw , he leavez with the shovel.
10 48 16 Gravity Bootz Shovel Grunt #1 used a Megaphone (#1) to call for them.
Newly baked Barehanded Grunt #3 donz them.
11 46 22 Toob In plain sight. Gravity Bootz Grunt #3 takez a short stroll in order to go for a short swim.
12 33 19 TimeBombz Shovel Grunt #1 dug up and used a Megaphone (#2) to call for them. Barehanded Grunt #3 (lost his Toob) has good use for them.
13 21 12 Bricklayer's Kit In a Mound ... Shovel Grunt #1 digz it up and Newly baked Bare-handed Grunt #4 will take it ... later.
14 15 12 Gauntletz In a Mound ... Shovel Grunt #1 digz them up. TimeBombz Grunt #3 putz them on.
15 4 3 GooberStraw Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #3 reachez it via a QMS in the northwest corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it.
16 3 4 Gauntletz Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #3 reachez it via a QMS in the northwest corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz them. After he pickz up and usez the GooberStraw , he leavez with the Gauntletz.
17 4 40 GooberStraw Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #3 reachez it via a QMS in the southwest corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz it.
18 3 39 Gauntletz Under a Cupcake ... Gauntletz Grunt #3 reachez it via a QMS in the southwest corner of the map, and a timebomb revealz them. After he pickz up and usez the GooberStraw , he leavez with the Gauntletz.
17 23 Warpstone In a Mound ... Shovel Grunt #1 digz it up. After more digging he returnz to pick up the heavy rock.
Does not count as a Tool.