Grunt |
Description of what to do |
Bare-handed #1 |
You are really between a rock (Green Pyramid (GP), actually) and a hard place (Lava Pit) here. Your only movez are to step into the Lava (nah, not wise!) or the not very reliable Crumbling Lava Bridge Tile (CLBT) ... and you'd better keep moving from there!
You are standing on the Griffin's back, next to a wing. Your task to to scale the Griffin like a fish, removing his scalez (GPz ) so you may move around. The Griffin has several "maintenance people", like the onez     tending his wing, to keep those scalez in good shape. Find a way to (in chess termz) "remove the defender".
Start moving, and acquire a Tool that makez that possible. |
Rockz #1 |
O.K. So the enemy grunt didn't bat an eye when you grabbed the Rockz . Now what?
- Lob a Rock at the next guy over
, who is standing on a Green Hold Switch (GHS).
He says "ouch", but the guy next to you does nothing.
So you repeat until the painful moanz stop and the GHS popz up .
Some scalez fall off ... but not those closest to the wing.
- Lob a Rock at the impassive guy
. Hey! He woke up, and lobbed back! Run!
- (Too far ... "it burnz, it burnz!") ... restore from your last SAVE.
- (Bad timing ... a whistling from the air ... and oblivion) ... restore.
- One step away, and the "artillery battle" is on!
- A Pink Goo Puddle
, and more scalez fall off .
- To the next Landing Dock
(Coin #1 ) over to recover the stolen Tool left in a Black Goo Puddle (possibly with a slight detour).
Gauntletz #1 |
Cross to the next Landing Dock (Coin #2 ) over.
Break the Rock , and bash the enemy grunt (but not necessarily in that order!), stepping on the Green Toggle Switch (GTS) when you pick up the Tool revealed, and stepping on the Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) an odd number of timez. |
Springz #1 |
Hop to the next Landing Dock (Coin #3 ) over.
Bash the enemy grunt and step on the GTS and step on the BTS an odd number of timez. Repeat, except for Coin #4 . Find a path back to the Landing Dock where you entered the game, collecting Coin #5 on the way.
The only direction you may go (equipped as you are now) is toward the Griffin's head.
Whether now, or later, don't forget to pick up Coin #6 !
It would be a good idea to pick up Coin #7 when it is safe to do so, and not find yourself picking it up while someone wantz to pick a fight, like that maintenance guy !
Remove the defender! (That chess strategy again.)
Discretion is the better part of valor ... hit ... and run! (The Toob chafez, he won't chase.)
Part of your mission was accomplished ... he moved off the GHS .
You probably noticed that he had some boxing lessonz ... he movez! Find someone easier.
He can throw, but he doesn't dance ... and becomez a Purple Goo Puddle .
That openz up a new opportunity , so you take advantage of it ... more Goo .
Now back to the guy with the fancy footwork ... and more "hit and run" tacticz.
You feel a bit run down, and think "I sure could use some Zap Cola!", but there is none in reach.
But there, in a Black Goo Puddle is a possible answer for you.
Toob #1 |
Now you can really go placez! But which way do you want to go?
- North, to the Coin
you can see relatively nearby?
- South, to the Coin
next to the GTS ?
- Southwest (way southwest!) to the first Coin
in the water you saw?
Whichever one you choose, it would be wise to SAVE right now (if you never did before).
Pressing that GTS will result in a melee in the left arm, and the most desirable result of that battle is one Grunt left standing, with a thin red line of health. If not, try again!
(So I choose option #2, merely to save my time.)
At any rate, pick up all three Coinz (#10, #11 and #12) before you enter the next battle.
Turn the survivor (probably ) into a puddle of Goo , then recover the stolen Tool in the Black Goo Puddle .
Shovel #1 |
Dig up the Mound to reveal a Coin (#13) atop a GTS .
SAVE before you take it ... it startz another melee in the right arm.
Bash the surviving enemy grunt (probably ) into (hopefully) a separate Goo Puddle .
Dig up the Mound to reveal a Coin (#14) atop a GTS .
Recover the stolen Tool from the Black Goo Puddle ... and start using it!
GooberStraw #1 |
There should be eight or nine Goo Puddlez you can reach somewhere where you have been.
Three   in the Griffin's right arm (where you are right now).
Three   in the Griffin's left arm (slightly to the north).
Three   in the Griffin's head (in the far north).
That is enough to bake two more Gruntz ... but do not enter them now!
Stroll down to the Griffin's left knee (the Landing Dock ) and pick up the Tool waiting in plain sight.
Toob #1 |
Paddle out to the island to the east and step on the BTS .
SAVE now, if you want to prevent re-playing stuff!
Do you see that Coin (#15) on the Bridge Tile you just raised? Go Get it!
On your way, you walk over a GTS , which startz another melee.
Most of the time, that will result in an enemy Grunt (with half health) standing in a Purple Goo Puddle , facing a Black Goo Puddle with a stolen Tool twirling in it. Ideal!
If something else resultz, you may need to restore and try again ... especially if the survivor is in perfect health.
Return to the Griffin's left knee, avoiding the GTS (which may cost two Goo Puddlez).
SAVE again, if you want to prevent re-playing stuff!
Go get the Keg of Zap Cola (avoiding the GTS , which may cost you another restore, if you step on it now), and continue on to the BTS and the Coin (#16) between the Griffin's legz.
This is probably the hardest part of the puzzle:
Step on that GTS and dive into water somewhere past the Griffin's left knee!
That started a melee in the Griffin's right leg ... and it is time to get some help into the game.
Most of the time, you will get stuck with a "butter knife". Once.
Paddle out a little bit further, to safety.
When "the coast is clear", climb out and make your way to the Griffin's right thigh, and paddle down to the last BTS , and then north to pocket Coin (#17).
Climb out and press the GTS next to the Landing Dock , and you should be able to reach two more GTSz and a Question Mark Switch .
Do whatever is necessary to be able to dive through the Blue Wormhole .
Bare-handed #2 |
Pick up the Tool waiting on the GruntCreationPad for you. |
GooberStraw #2 |
You will almost certainly be taking a big lump from an enemy Grunt better armed than you.
That's the bad newz. The good newz is he's too weak to swing it (again) quickly, and he has taken a few lumpz of his own, leaving him in very poor health. Release him from his misery.
When that is done, suck up three Goo Puddlez in the Griffin's right leg (where you are right now).
Now you revert to a "back-up role" and go in search of any remaining opposition.
Optional: suck up the remaining reachable Goo Puddlez and bake a final Grunt.
Bare-handed #3 |
Recover the stolen Club ("Captain Cave Man!") and look for something to hit. "All right!" |
Club #3 |
Uh, I think you should know that what remainz to hit likez to "slice and dice" .
You have two choicez:
- Enlist at least one of your new buddiez to help.
- See if you can't find a "butter knife
" of your own somewhere.
Whichever you choose, (help to) create another Goo Puddle .
The two GHSz in the Griffin's right heel are 'special'.
If you paid attention, you saw that two of the scalez near the tip of the Griffin's tail were missing ... then magically reappeared when the final melee started.
Take your place on one of those GHSz and your work is done!
Bare-handed #4 |
You may pick up the Sword (which doesn't count on the Statz Page) if it makez you feel better. But you can step on a couple GTSz and be the one to pocket Coin (#19). |
Warpstone #1 |
Two thingz can possibly happen now:
- Oh! So Close! Too bad that bird flew over at just the right (wrong, for you) time!
- Carry the Warpstone Piece
one step to the King!