
Grunt Description of what to do
You are actually working with two teamz:
Gauntletz #1, Bare-handed #4 and Bare-handed #5 (team #1);
Shovel #6, Bare-handed #2 and Bare-handed #3 (team #2).
Team #1
Bare-handed #4 (Closest to the stairway. )
Dodging missilez from enemy Gruntz and avoiding the Kitchen Slimez (KS), usez Megaphone #1 and Megaphone #2 .
Dodging more missilez from enemy Gruntz and avoiding more KSz pickz up some Home Improvement Toolz (Tool #1).
Bricklayer #4 Layz a Brick in front of an enemy Grunt (who cannot move ... yet).
Layz another Brick in front of another enemy Grunt (who cannot move ... yet).
Standz on the Green Hold Switch (GHS) he just passed by.
Gauntletz #1 Breakz a Sugar Cube .
Takez offense at being shot at, and bashes enemy gruntz .
Take them out any way, any order, you can, taking as little damage as possible.
No longer under attack, break more Sugar Cubez .
Walk toward the Bomb ... but do not pick it up!
Break two more Sugar Cubez , and pocket Coin #1 .
Pick up the third Toy Box ... and do some exercise .
Bare-handed #5 Walk right in and pick up a Bomb (Tool #2).
Make a kamikaze run toward a Toy Box and play with a Baby-Walker ... briefly.
After the leader Gauntletz #1 has done his part, re-light the Bomb and make another kamikaze run toward another Toy Box ... and play with a Squeak Toy .
You're over your suicidal bent, so you may pick up the Toob (Tool #3).
Team #2