Stargate World of Sweetz Walkthrough By: BattlezM Overview: This is the fourth puzzle in the stargate seriez. In the center there is a massive dialer which will lead your gruntz to the surrounding areaz. The surrounding areaz are 8 sub-puzzlez that must be completed. At the end of each sub-puzzle there is a black switch. These switchez are your goal, they lower the pyramidz that lead to the fortress and the warpstone. The Walkthrough will describe what areaz to do in the shown pattern. Also, there are gruntz in most of the sub-puzzlez that will help your team out. 881122 770033 665544 The Dialer and the Stargate Plateau (00): On this plateau is the dialer room. You begin with a team made up of 4 gruntz, Gauntletz, Shovelz, Spongegunz, and Springz. This massive area containz the wormhole (arranged into 8 seperate 4-wormhole-groupz) and 8 mini-dialerz (each with 8 buttonz [aka switchez]). Each mini-dialer has it'z own position that lowerz a line of pyramidz. To gain access to a wormhole-group, set each dialer so that there is a path of lowered pyramidz leading to the wormholez. The order you complete the sub-puzzlez doesn't matter. The Long Hall and the Wingz (11): Step on the black switch near your landing area to free wingz. Wingz now must fly from switch to switch (lowering the green pyramidz in order), while your team of 4 goes through the pyramidz breaking (some cupcakez contain timebombz)/digging holez. Wing'z flight path is: northwestern switch, southeatern switch, northeastern switch, and southwestern switch. Then have wingz fly down to the landing area with the wingz. Then have him fly to the landing near the toyer, fly onto it. After wingz is finished with the yo-yo, blow the toyer into space (or a hole). Have your team go past the arrowz and continue through the candlez. Break the cupcake at the end and fill in the holez. Then have wingz continue flying to the end of the holez and step on a secret switch. A seriez of stairz open up in the plateauz giving access to 5 coinz. Continue with your team through the rolling ballz (it'z best to send spongegunz and gauntletz first). Use spongegunz to shoot gauntletz past the arrowz (it'z a method called "Friendly Fire", aim at a tile with spongegunz and step on the aimed tile with a different grunt as it arrivez to get hit past any death [or arrow] tile). Step on the black switch and go through the wormholez to get back to the Dialer Plateau. The Two Spongegunz' Plateauz (22): Have gauntletz and shovelz break/dig every thing around. Release the 2 spongegunz that will help you in the area. Have the southern spongegun shoot the enemy onto the northwestern switch. Then have shovelz go into the northern most part of the arrowz maze. With the northern and your team spongegunz, shoot shovelz to the closest safe tile. Now shovelz can walk most of the rest of this arrowz area without the spongegunz' help. Send shovelz to the black switch (you need to step on all 3 black switchez in the maze), then send him to the yellow switch. Have the northern spongegun shoot the enemy onto the green switch south of his position. Have springz and gauntletz go past the two- way arrowz in the eastern part of the arrowz. Then have the northern spongegun shoot shovelz to the safe tilez near the black pyramidz. Fill in all of the holez and get the coin. Send springz up through the arrowz to the black switch, with the southern spongegun'z help. Do the same with gauntletz. Have your team spongegun grunt shoot the enemy grunt onto the long arrow chain to the northeastern switch. Have your sponge then walk onto the spikez tile to trigger a red warp. Quickly shoot him back over the arrow and go into the wormhole. Collect the coinz and return. Then have spongegunz go through the northeastern part of the maze (hitting the black switch along the way). He will need both the southern and northern spongegunz' help. Have the northern spongegun shoot the enemy onto the southeastern switch. Have your team trigger the black switch and go through the wormhole. The Toob'z Aid in the Jumping Race (33): This sub-puzzle is not very hard. Send your team here and then send them back, except springz and shovelz. Have shovelz dig up the hole to get a coin, his job is done already. Toobz and springz have the toughest part. Memorize which switch contolz which bridge piece. position toobz onto the first switch. Have springz hit the yellow switch and hop ASAP past the (raised by toobz) bridge tile. Send toobz to the next switch, while toobz scramblez for the switch, send springz to the next bridge tile. Go by it and have toobz go onto the next switch....follow this method and you can easily make it the the green hold switch before the rolling ball. Don't forget to get the coin on the return trip. The Health Magican and the Trail of Spikez (44): All of your gruntz get healthy on this plateau (if they lost any health). You see a near by health gunt standing near a wormhole, don't send him through yet. Have springz hop past the spikez and past the bridge into the next area. Shovelz should dig up the partially hidden hole for a coin. Afterwardz, send only spongegunz and gauntletz across the field of spikez. Have the health grunt heal them when their health getz in the red. Have gauntletz break the cupcake to get a coin. Then have them join springz. Use friendly fire to shoot gauntletz in and out of the pit to get the coinz (aim at the side of the pit instead of the arrow, gauntletz should walk onto the arrow). Use friendly fire again to shoot gauntletz to the island with the secret switch (do not use the crumble bridge!). Have shovelz start his trek across the spikez. When he nearz the plateau edge near the megaphone, hit the secret switch. Send shovelz up the stairz to get the coin and megaphone, while wandz healz him. Send shovelz back out to reach the end the spikez. Have him continue to dig up the hole on the other side of the air coastline. Have a grunt go step on the black switch, have shovelz fill in the center hole so the grunt can get out. Then all of your gruntz go down to the giant cupcake, break it. The next puzzle is probably the most heart-racing one. Send springz south to the switchez. (again,) Memorize the function of the switchez. Send the 3 other gruntz of your team past the first toggling bridge, then past the second. There isn't enough space for all 3 gruntz, so you will need to have the third grunt stand on the toggling bridge. Quickly send springz to the next switch to raise the next tile, have your gruntz move ahead a step. Now repeat the process with the last toggling bridge, which is slightly faster. Have springz hop around the gruntz (send the third one to stand on the toggling bridge again) and go past the arrow onto the spikez. The rest of the gruntz follow. Have your health grunt get the bottle of zap cola and go through the wormhole. Now he is on the plateau near your gruntz, heal them. The 2 gauntletz are no match for your gruntz, so kill them and heal again. send spongegun into the first wormhole so gauntletz can step in to break the cupcakez. Careful, some are timebombed. Give your health grunt the gauntletz in the resourcez, then have him break the cupcake next to him to get the warp letter "W". Send your other gruntz through the wormholez after stepping on the black switch. The Christmas Maze (55 [1/2]): This area is named only for the colorz of the pyramidz. Not much to do here. You need only one grunt (other than springz), simply send him in to press the black switch and get back out. Send all your gruntz through the wormhole. The Candycane Forest and the Builder (66): This time it matterz where your gruntz end up. Shovelz should be in the holez, gauntletz should be behind the brickz, spongegun needz to be near the arrowz, and springz needz to be near the water pool. Have shovelz start digging the instant he landz, then step to safety as the timebomber getz blown up. Gauntletz hackz out of the brickz (some are dangerous...). Springz jumpz out of his area. Then use friendly fire to shoot a grunt onto the black switch near spongegunz. Continue on with your team, dig up the hole and stay on the green switch to let brickz do his stuff. Lay brickz on all the foundation tilez within reach. Have spongegunz shoot brickz past the arrow. Then have brickz pass through the rolling ball ring to the safe tile when the big gap comez around. Break the rolling ballz. Then continue on to where the super speed powerup is. Click on the super speed. Then go and run over and build a brick on the fundation nearest the black switch (without pressing it), then run away (or else the stubborn sword will keep coming...and trigger the black switch). Have your team outside move past the lowered pyramidz. Go to the tile pointed to by the 3 arrowz, it is a checkpoint that lowerz the pyramidz blocking in the 4 coinz near the corner (the brickz checkpoint is a decoy). continue over the crumble bridgez, for the grunt that getz stuck with slow-poke springz; springz should go first. Then move 3 gruntz past the rolling ballz channel (it'z better not to send springz...but if you want a challenge). Collect the coinz and dig up the hole under the wormhole. Then go through the wormholez (don't forget that switch!). The Bomb'z Bridge (77): Your gruntz start in this place hemmed in by 2 setz of green pyramidz. Scrolling down, you see a bomb grunt standing on a hold switch. Send bombz across the silver timer switchez, make sure the rolling ball hitz the green switch. Then send bombz across the bridge. WHen he'z done playing, send him across the last bridge. Step on the last green switch. Back to your group, have shovelz go dige up the holez and get the coinz. Send all your gruntz across the spikez. If you send shovelz first, he can fill in many of the holez near the end, but it'z not needed. Have your gruntz step on the switch and head through the wormholez. The Battle on Candy and the Hall'z Maze (88): The landing here with put your gruntz on candlez, reload if you get burned. Everyone goes to their checkpoint. Shoot gauntletz onto the black switch, and continue up the orange pyramid zig-zag. Continue to the unchanging set of arrowz and shoot gauntletz over the first. Then have spongegunz come through. Keep going on up over the bridgez and wait in front of the purple pyramidz. Going back near the checkpoint, have shovelz fill in the holez for springz. Have both of them go through a seperate channel. Have shovelz go step on the green switch. Then have both gruntz wait near the crumble bridge. Have swordz step forward a couple of tilez. Then release all of the enemiez, they get into a huge fight. The trick in this battle is to have at least 12 goo puddlez left over. Get the goober straw and suck the goo up. Drop your three gruntz on the creation point and have them take their placez on the purple switchez. Back to shovelz and springz again. Go over the crumble bridge, shovekz goes first. Make sure itz possible for springz to join shovelz and go back down to where the switch hemmed in by pyramidz (hint: shovel'z path is almost straight). Step on the purple switchez, the sword attackz the gunhat gruntz. Send springz back down to step on the black switch and go into the wormhole. Have shovelz and springz stand on the purple switchez so that gauntletz and spongegunz can enter through the opposite side, watch out for the rolling ball. Now you know what to do. The King'z Gingerbread Fortress (55 [1/2]): When all the pyramidz are down, send a grunt to get the warpstone. Hand it in if you want to finish the level (obviously). End (and acknownledgementz): You've finished Stargate World of Sweetz! Level created by BattlezM. Idea for Stargate seriez, Oldone (and the level was approved of and tested by her as well). Below are listz of were you can find coinz, secretz, toolz, toyz, and powerupz.