Start by getting the spy gear and gooberstraw. lure the first sword enemy with spyz. Then attack the sword with both gruntz. When the sword is ready to strike again pull the hit grunt back. Attack the sword again with both gruntz, they should be able to kill him before he can attack again. There are 2 bottlez of zap cola in each giant eyecandy, repelish your health and repeat with the rest of the swordz. Watch out for the thunder cloud! Gooberz suckz all 4 goo puddlez. Have spyz step on the green switch on the island before you leave this area. Have gooberz go through the pyramidz first (go to the left), then spyz; the timing is tight, but possible. Carefully have gooberz go through the golf ballz. stand on the purple switchz. Drop a baked grunt on the creation point with the gauntletz. Do NOT move. When the boxerz attack you. Then, using hit and run tactics, kill all 15 boxing glove gruntz. Suck up all the goo and drop all the new gruntz on the creation point. Pick up all the toolz; gooberz gets gauntletz again. Bootz then goes through the crumble bridge puzzle, pressing all the blue switchez once (it's not that hard), gets the coin and goes to a safe spot in the starting area. the rest of the gruntz, including spyz and gooberz join him. Gauntletz goes through the pyramidz first. Have him go to the check point. Then go through the arrowz. He gets attacked by about 5 spongeguns. In this massive hole, spike, and thunder cloud area; there are 15 spongegun grunt enemiez. Important Note: all of the spongegunz have a sense range of 10 tilez (that's why so many attacked you at once). Make sure that you avoid any knocked into holez; save very often! If you find that too many of the spongegunz are crowded in a corner, you can easily lure them away from it. After that's do, stand in a safe spot. Back to the Siver Maze, send all of your gruntz still there through. Shovelz heads off to grab the coinz. Bootz goes through the SP maze to the bomb and pickz it up. Then send any of the gruntz in front of any stair case in front of the maze, the only grunt that doesn't have a choice is springz; he must go to the stairz with the super speed. With bombz controlling 3 different pathz in the maze send all 5 gruntz through. send three first though, the other two should go through the middle path. Of the first three to get the purple switches send the grunt in the middle to the end of the crumble bridge. When the second grunt comez 7.5 tilez along the bridge, have the first grunt go through to the end of the bridge as well. Keep him selected and quickly move him off the bridge, quickly select the following grunt and move him to safety as well, now send the two leftover gruntz through the maze. Then send bombz back through the maze all the way to the entrace to the bomb run puzzle. Chancez are you will have to try this puzzle a couple of timez before you can complete it. Now back to Gauntletz again. Pick the goober straw up, after you are done sucking goo, get Gauntletz again. Drop 4 new gruntz on the creation point, have them get toolz too. Send bombz through the wormhole, step on the switch and go by the RGB (rolling golf ball). have spongegun cross the arrowz and then Gauntletz. The next part is tricky; have bombs run toward the giant rock. With proper timing a sponge should hit bombz before he sinks, bombz will blow up and start a chain reaction that will blow the gold brick up (if he blowz up the giant rock).move all of the left over gruntz into the next area. Now any grunt except Gauntletz or spongegunz can pick up the bomb. Gauntletz steps on the timer switch. Quickly scroll back to the first grunt troop. A path will open up in the SP maze and take you too two coinz. Also fill in the hole, then dig it up. Have barehandz pick the springz up. Back to the other gruntz team, have bombz run through the metal blockz and across the bridge. Move your 3 gruntz into the next area. Have one grunt cross between the sand pitz. For the last part of the popping golf ballz, you must have the grunt go as the golf ballz come about half way down. If you wait until they are al the way down, there is no way to pass them. With proper timing (again) get the RGB to activate the green switch. Get back to the other 2 gruntz. Gauntletz goes through the first half of the plateau; breaking rockz and using the staircasez as safe pointz. Have the other gruntz follow. Shoot gauntletz past the holez. Have the grunt step on the orange switch. Get by the first pair of RGBz. Next to the raised orange pyramid spongegunz should be able to shoot gauntletz over the hole, gauntletz then goes and getz the go-kart and givez it to the sword grunt, step on the orange switch (make sure both of the other gruntz can pass!). Have a grunt go get the toobz, the choice is obvious! The next part is also tricky step on the checkpoint as soon as a cloud passez it. Then have spongez go onto the stairz below him, while Gauntletz And toobz make a run to the second set of stairz. Have Gauntletz go north and break all the rockz. Spongez should pick up the springz. Get to the coin on the double toob spikez as fast as possible, then hop to safety. The other 2 gruntz follow. cross through the RGBz and over the bridgez, use the crumble tilez to help (springz can hop all the way to his PS. Back again to the other team of gruntz. Springz pickz up the super speed, it doesn't last long so pick your path wisely! The other gruntz also cross over, one of them getting the coin. Have spongegunz and Shovelz go throgh the trianglular shaped PGBz (popping golf ballz). Before you do have shovelz fill in a hole in the giant treehouse eyecandy and pick up the coin past the hole, on the other side you can find another hidden coin in the structure. Have shovelz and spongez cross over the PGz. Have shovelz fill in the hole next to the green pyramid and one next to the wormhole. With proper timing (more of that) shoot shoel past the arrowz with the RGBz. in this ring of holez get the coin in the filled in one and one in the eyecandy, then step on the switch. Have spyz go and get the bomb and go through the wormhole, he ends up right on the tile surrounded by gold sparklez. have bombz run through the SPz and trigger the switch. Send a grunt up to the square of lowered SPz with 4 STSz (silver timer switchez). Have a grunt cross the sand pit and stand at the end of the lowered SPz. With the help of the grunt in the pyramid square, he should be able to cross to the other side of the wall of SPz. Have the grunt go step on the green switch in the RGB rectangle and then get back out. Have the grunt in the SP square get back out across the bridge with the help of the crumble bridge tilez. then have all gruntz procced to the next area (where one grunt already is). When you step on the STS watch for the out for the rising SPz, it shouldn't take long before you position the gruntz so the don't get squashed. Next have a grunt go through the path, also make sure that the RGB STAYZ in between the arrowz, if it'z released there won't be enough time. Have the second grunt follow, this time let the RGB roll out of the arrowz. Save before it getz to the raised pyramid, now you must carefully guide the ball through the pyramidz to the switch. After that'z done have the fourth grunt follow. At this point you should have four gruntz with: spongegunz, shovelz, springz, and a grunt with something. To kill the walking swordz step on step on the inner STS at the proper time to squish the swoedz. To kill the stationary swordz, just knock them back on to the rising SPz (triggered by the outer STSz). One of those switchez lowers a SP a little to the north after about 5 secondz, have shovelz pass and get a warp letter. Have all three gruntz pass through the RGBz and the PGBz. In the cinnamon box the is a coin and a welder kit, careful; there are holez too! Have Shovelz pick upthe welder kit. This next puzzle is really tough. First have welderz hit both gunhatz once. then put spongez next to either bottle of zap cola. shoot one of the gunhatz onto the green hold switch, then move next to the other bottle of zap cola. Release the RGB, with proper timing (that again?) burn the gun hat on the switch, then insantly shoot the other gunhat onto the switch. If done well the RGB will roll over the switch. Feel free to burn the gunhat and repelish your health. Have any grunt go through the wormhole, have a grunt follow to pick up the coin under it. Step back before the wormhole reappearz! Send your three gruntz over the bridgez like last time, stand on the purple switchez, and have your lone grunt go around the fort, get the warpstone and turn it in.