Walk-through (Normal mode only)
Bare-handed #1 |
Develop the habit of SAVEing your game often!
(It will save you many re-triez, and much aggravation!)
Follow the Toggling Bridge Tilez, using Stable Bridge Tilez (to 'take a breather', if you must) to the Landing Dock leading into the lava field.
Continue across the Toggling Bridge Tilez to the Landing Dock and diagonally southeast to the next Landing Dock .
Once again, follow the Toggling Bridge Tilez and one set of Crumbling Bridge Tilez and Stable Bridge Tilez to the Landing Dock .
Now go northwest and across the Lava Geyser (when it is not erupting ) to the Landing Dock .
Just one more Toggling Bridge to cross to get to the Landing Dock and (relative) safety.
Cross over the Lava Geyser (when it is not erupting) and head west toward the Rock .
You have another bridge to cross in order to activate the Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) and pick up your first Tool (the Gauntletz).
Gauntletz #1 |
When you cross over the BTS in order to return, you submerge some Tilez, so hit that switch once more before you cross back over the Bridge.
Is there anything you can break around here anywhere?
Break it! And continue breaking everything you can reach that is breakable.
Have you revealed anything?
You may pick up any Coinz you find.
The one beyond the Volcano |
may hurt a bit. |
You will reveal a Green Toggle Switch (GTS) that will allow you to reach more breakable thingz.
When you reveal a Bricklayer's kit you can take a breather ... but not the Tool!
Bare-handed #3 |
Follow Grunt #1 as far as the entrance to the lava field.
Where he continued east, you go south via Crumbling Bridge Tilez and Toggling Bridge Tilez to the Landing Dock .
There is an enemy Grunt southeast of you.
As much as possible, ignore him and just go get the Coinz and return to this point.
Now follow your buddy's path (except for using the remaining bridge) to join him.
He revealed a Bricklayer's kit . Take it! It's yourz.
Bricklayer #3 |
There is a Foundation Tile near the BTS with some Coconutz rolling across it. Does that suggest anything to you?
After you have laid a Brick , breaking those Coconutz, you have to return over the Bridge (because there is no room here for both you and your buddy with the Gauntletz!), and he needz to destroy your handiwork so that you both may continue onward.
Gauntletz #1 |
Cross over the Bridge (for the last time!), making sure that the Bridge is as complete as it was when you crossed it, and un-do your buddy's handiwork. Then step off to one side so he can get back to work on the next Foundation Tile .
Bricklayer #3 |
Lay a Brick where it will do the most good, and step aside for your buddy to pass on to the Giant Volcano.
Gauntletz #1 |
Ignoring the last work your buddy did, you pass by and break the Giant Volcano
blocking your path southward, revealing |
Break the next Giant Volcano you can reach (same big black mark), and then go wait across the lava from the stairway.
Bricklayer #3 |
Go carefully past the Question Mark Switch (being careful not to step on it) and stop northwest of it.
If you have never SAVEd before , you'd better SAVE now!
When both of you are in place, click on a destination where Gauntletz broke the last Giant Volcano. (You will walk away from danger, and toward safety.)
Gauntletz #1 |
Cross over the temporary(!) Bridge  and up the stairway to break the Rock and reveal a pair of Wingz . Pick them up and step one Tile to the east to wait for the scenery to change.
Wingz #1 |
When there is lava east of you, click on the Foundation Tile surrounded by Red Pyramidz (RP). If you make it safely, your Wingz will fall off. (They've done their job!)
Bare-handed #1 |
Make your way to the Coin via the Foundation Tile by going north, east, north, west and north.
Then make your way to the Gauntletz and the Blue Wormhole (BW).
Gauntletz #1 |
You land south of where you broke the second Giant Volcano. Pass through the area where the third Giant Volcano was, to the vicinity of the Blue Hold Switch (BHS) and the BTS . (Bricklayer should already be here, if he was moved while you were 'in transit'.)
Gauntletz #1 and Bricklayer #3 |
One of you (it really doesn't matter at all which) standz on the BHS , while the other one locatez a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) partially hidden by a tree.
Step on the YTS and then hasten down toward the BTS .
You should SAVE before the Rolling Coconut comez into view, as thingz will be happening too fast to SAVE later!
You will need to step on and off that BTS about four timez, in order to guide that Coconut across to the BTS on the other side of the pool, and into the Hole .
When the Grunt getz off the BHS , there should be complete Bridgez in four placez.
Except for that Two-Way Arrow (TWA), it would be a snap to waltz over and pick up that Coin south of where you are standing.
What is it that controlz those thingz, anyway? Perhapz a YTS ?!?
Once again, either Grunt activatez the YTS while the other makez his way down to acquire the Coin . Then the YTS is activated (for the last time) to get the other Grunt back.
Both Gruntz pass over (safely!) to stand near the Silver Timer Switch (STS).
I suppose it is possible to move both Gruntz through the Silver Pyramidz  (SP) with one press of the STS .
But it is safer to send each Grunt through with his own press of the STS .
One Grunt will take the 'south fork' to the Coin, then follow the Arrow z to the next Coin and on to the Green Wormhole (GW).
The other Grunt may either take the 'south fork' (pickng up nothing, but being careful not to run over his buddy!); or take the 'north fork' to the CheckPoint Switchez  (CPS).
It doesn't matter which Grunt standz on which CPS , as there is plenty of room here.
Gauntletz #1 |
When you take stepz to break that Giant Volcano ahead of you, you are forced to activate a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS), which lowerz three Black Pyramidz (BP). Crossing over the (now lowered) BPz , three enemy Gruntz   begin fighting among themselvez! Only one will emerge the 'victor', the other two now nothing more than Goo Puddlez  (joining the one already nearby). You break the Rock revealed, and that startz a chain reaction of explosionz. When the fireworkz are over, there is a GooberStraw left behind. Polish off the remaining enemy Grunt (be aggressive! don't let him come to you!) and break the Rock blocking your way northward. That reveals a Toy.
Bricklayer #3 |
"Police up the area" by picking up the GooberStraw .
GooberStraw #3 |
Suck up the four Goo Puddlez    , filling the Goo Well.
Bare-handed #4 |
Make your way to the Coinz via the spacez between the Arrowz    guiding the Rolling Coconutz by going southward, then east, and back north again until you activate the BOTS immediately after you pick up the Springz.
Springz #4 |
Make your way through the area filled with Spikez , Lava Geyserz and Holez by jumping on the Lava Geyserz when they are not erupting. Your goal is the BOTS . Then continue west through the area filled with Spikez and Lava Geyserz (no Holez !) to the other BOTS . Finally, go through the area filled with Spikez and Holez and RPz  by stepping on the lowered RPz . Activate the final BOTS to clear the way for the GooberStraw Grunt to exchange his Tool for the Shovel.
Shovel #3 |
Go north, converting every Hole into a Mound , so that the Springz Grunt can acquire the Coin in the northeast corner of this area. Then return south and head west, converting as many Holez into Moundz as necessary in order to acquire the three Coinz . Return to where you picked up the shovel, and convert the Hole into a Mound , and take your place on your CPS .
Gauntletz #1 |
Do whatever is necessary (such as break a Rock ), and take your place on your CPS .
Springz #4 |
Taking advantage of the work that the Shovel Grunt did, go north and pick up the Coinz , then return to take your place on your CPS .
Springz #4,
Shovel #3 and
Gauntletz #1 |
There are three GooberStrawz in the section you enter, and it is pretty obvious which one of you is to get (and use!) which Tool. So get to it! Do not go through any BWz ... yet!
Determine which Grunt has the poorest health status (probably Shovel #3), and send that Grunt through his BW first. That Grunt will pick up the Bomb .
Take a run at the center of the three Gold topped Brick Stackz .
(Game over, for that Grunt. This is the only Grunt you should lose.)
It should not make much (if any!) difference which Grunt takez which of the remaining Toolz; Gauntletz, Shovel or Springz. But a good 'rule of thumb' to follow is to give the strongest weapon Tool to the Grunt in the best health, down to the weakest weapon Tool to the Grunt in the worst health. Following that 'rule', the newly-baked Grunt should get the Shovel.
Bare-handed #5 |
Carefully avoid any other toolz, and pick up the Shovel . |
Shovel #5 |
GooberStraw #1 |
Carefully avoid any other toolz, and pick up the Gauntletz . |
Gauntletz #1 |
Finish breaking the center Short Brick Stack . SAVE!
Click on the Landing Dock as your destination, and make a bee-line for it!
Usually, you will find yourself on that Tile, and the five enemy Gruntz will have made their chargez and blown up a lot of stuff for you.
Click on the Coin and you will cross three BTSz along the way, and raise most of a Bridge across the lava field to the south.
GooberStraw #4 |
Carefully avoid any other toolz, and pick up the Springz . |
Springz #4 |
Cross the (partial) Bridge to the BTS , completing the Bridge so the otherz may cross safely. Continue on to pick up the Coin , and on to the next BTS .
Perhapz you choose to do a bit of exploring now.
You see that it is now possible to proceed further north ... so you do!
You come to a sort of 'dead-end' at a fern.
Wait there (patiently, if possible) for further developmentz.
Gauntletz #1 |
Make your way across the completed Bridge down to the STS . SAVE!
When the top row of SPz become lowered , click on the Arrow .
Safely through the pyramidz, there are three Giant Volcanoez nearby.
Breaking the one to the northwest |
revealing |
  nothing much.
Then the one due east |
revealing |
  a Lava Pit.
Then the one due north of it |
revealing |
  some water.
Then go further north, where you will find a fourth Giant Volcano. Break it! (Just an obstacle.)
To the west are several Green Pyramidz  (GP), and something that lookz like a Race Car Wheel . Go get it!
It just might come in handy to help you pick up the Coin .
When you go through the BW , you land near a fifth Giant Volcano. Break it!
That third Grunt is finally freed! But how are both of you going to get back into the game?
If you try it out, you find that only one of you can go through that BW .
It's time for a little bit of 'friendly fire'. SpongeGun #2 firez at the Arrow and Gauntletz stepz onto the Arrow just as the sponge arrivez.
This knockz him to a place where he can easily get back to the rest of the Grunt team.
That done, you head over to one of the three Arrowz , picking one that has not already been picked by one of your buddiez.
Then you go and stand in front of an Arrow leading away from your CPS .
SpongeGun #2 |
Go through the BW , and then make your way down to join the rest of the Gruntz team. |
Shovel #5 |
Follow the same path that the Gauntletz Grunt took earlier and fill in the Hole and pick up the Coin . There is an Arrow slightly northeast of you. Step on it (and select the Springz Grunt for what comez next).
Springz #4 |
You are spirited away to the north edge of the map. You watch the lava field and see the pattern of the stepping stonez going up and down. Seven stonez, but it appearz that it will only take three of them to get you to where you want to go next. You hop on over to the Landing Area, then past the two Red Pyramidz to get the two Coinz .
If you thought that the three stone 'hop' was tough, wait'll you try the two stone 'hop' that is next!
Once again, there are three stonez here, but it only takez two of them to get you to that next Coin .
It just doesn't get any easier! Two more stonez take you to the last Coin you can see.
Then you re-use the last one of the stonez to get to the return Red wormhole RW .
You cross the Bridge to rejoin the team, where they are waiting for you to jump across some broken Bridgez and activate the BTSz that will 'repair' them, so that the Shovel Grunt can get the two Coinz.
That done, you head over to one of the three Arrowz , picking one that has not already been picked by one of your buddiez.
Then you go and stand in front of an Arrow leading away from your CPS .
Shovel #5 |
You cross over the two completed Bridgez to fill in the Hole z and get the two Coinz . That done, you head over to one of the three Arrowz , picking one that has not already been picked by one of your buddiez.
Then you go and stand in front of an Arrow leading away from your CPS .
SpongeGun #2 |
Step on an Arrow , and then join the rest of the Gruntz team, all lined up with nowhere to go ... without your help. One by one, you shoot at the Arrow just past the Gruntz, and each one dutifully stepz on the Arrow in time to be hit by your sponge.
"Hey, guyz! Move on over to those Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS), so I can get to my CPS , will you, please?"
When they do, the Purple Pyramid (PP) is lowered , allowing him to pass over.
With the rest of the team back in place, the CheckPoint Pyramidz drop , allowing them in to the next puzzle area.
SpongeGun noticez something glittering just to the north, and goez up to pick up a Coin .
Shovel #5,
Springz #4,
Gauntletz #1 and
SpongeGun #2 |
There are four sub-puzzlez ahead.
Once again, it is fairly obvious which Grunt needz to enter each area.
SpongeGun Grunt assistz each of the otherz into their areaz, then enterz his own area (the three Gruntz are standing on PMGSz , which lowered the PP so that he may enter).
Gauntletz #1 |
Break the two Rockz (that you can reach from here) nearest the Landing Dock , then break the Rock nearest you ... and make trackz! A BTS is revealed ... step on it.
It is now much easier for you to reach the Landing Dock , so you can break the Rock ... and step back! Another BTS is revealed ... step on it.
The Coin you can see ahead of you is not yourz, so don't even think about it!
You're probably getting pretty good at crossing these Bridgez by now, so I'll just tell you to make your way to the Landing Dock , so you can break one of the Rockz ... and step back! When it is safe, make your way to the GW .
Shovel #5 |
Fill in the three Holez nearest you (for your own safety ... only the one northeast of you is absolutely necessary).
Dodge the Rolling Coconutz to reach the safe tile next to the Mound .
Dig up the Mound , then fill it in to pick up the Coin .
Return to the safe place you created for yourself, then find a way to dig up the Mound that the Rolling Coconutz are passing over, so that they 'go away'.
Fill in the Hole you created and use that spot to dig up the next Mound .
When it is safe, make your way to a place in the very slowly moving Coconut's path where you can dig up the Mound in the very fast moving Coconut's path.
Retreat to another place where you can fill it in again, and use it to pass the z.
There is no more use for your Tool in this area.
Just go get the Coin and go through the blue wormhole.
Then go through the other wormhole, and take your place on your CPS .
Springz #4 |
First, find a path through the z and z to get the Coin. (You jump to it as the pyramid is going down, then quickly back before it comez back up under you!) Then move on to get the Coin in plain view on a safe Tile. Then follow the Arrow z leading you to the blue wormhole.
Do not take your place on your CPS until everyone else is here!
SpongeGun #2 |
Take a shot at the Grunt just north of you. When he takez 'a step back', the z around you become z.
(Only one shot is necessary ... don't bother turning him (or any other enemy Grunt) into Goo ... there is no use for any more Goo.)
Take one step to the west. Each time a string of three z become z move on to the next .
(A detour to pick up a Coin is perfectly acceptable.)
You will reach a place where there are two z. To lower them, you will need to (briefly!) stand on a and take a shot at another Grunt. Then you can stand on a while waiting for an opportunity to move on to the next .
With that Rolling Coconut in your path, you are going to have to move quickly to the next . Don't dawdle ... you still need to take a pot shot at another Grunt ... from a , and back to a safe place.
Once that is done, you can go through the blue wormhole and take your place on your CPS .
Shovel #5, Springz #4, Gauntletz #1 and SpongeGun #2 |
Make room for SpongeGun to take the lead. He will 'take out the opposition'.
Now get ready for the really tough stuff!
All four Gruntz are going to take on the challenge of the large lava field!
Springz has to go all the way to the farthest south portion of the map, along the corridor running north and south, southwest of where the four Gruntz satisfied the CPSz .
The other three Gruntz only need go as far as the vicinity of the Landing Dock .
Do not click directly on that Tile in order to send them there!
A wise Gruntzer will make frequent use of the F5 (SAVE) key for quite a while. 
For now, it does not matter which Grunt goez where. Only in the very last stepz is it important, and even then there is plenty of space to re-arrange Gruntz into the required order.
So (brief description, here) place one Grunt on each of the z in order to lower the preventing Springz from advancing to the Blue Toggle Switch ahead of him.
You will have to do this four timez, in order to allow Springz to reach the vicinity of the blue wormhole ahead of him.
Do not be tempted to move all three of your Gruntz onto the Stable Bridge z raised when Springz activated the Blue Toggle Switch after the last in his path!
They will not remain raised, as you maneuver your way to the next island across those Crumbling Bridge and Toggling Bridge Bridgez! Take one Grunt at a time from his last to the safety of the island. Springz will step on the southernmost Blue Toggle Switch in order to allow a Grunt to move forward.
When all three Gruntz are safe on the island, Springz is going to get a real workout! He will have to activate the three Blue Toggle Switch to his north in the proper sequence to allow his buddiez to cross the Bridge to the peninsula where the Toob is waiting for someone (SongeGun) to pick it up. Once all three Gruntz are on that peninsula, use the space available to arrange your Gruntz for the task remaining ahead.
Gauntletz should go first, and break the Rock Rock and Rock obstaclez. Then he can wait for Shovel to cross the small Bridge and fill in the Hole . Gauntletz and Shovel will take turnz using their Toolz to clear the path from the green wormhole to the Wingz (or vice-versa!). When Shovel makez his last trip down the edge to use the tool for the last time (here), Gauntletz movez onto the Landing Dock .
When Shovel is done, he goez through the green wormhole, and continuez on to his at the edge of the north-south corridor.
While Gauntletz is going down to break the last obstaclez, SpongeGun (now Toobz) crossez the Bridge and goez through the green wormhole, and continuez on to his at the edge of the north-south corridor.
Finally, Gauntletz goez through the green wormhole, and continuez on to his at the edge of the north-south corridor.
Only Springz remainz in the area. He has his own problemz to solve, in getting out of here!
Once all of your buddiez have safely crossed to the peninsula, you are free to (try to) make your own escape from this area. Obviously, that blue wormhole has to be your way out. But where will it take you? Have you SAVEd recently? That wormhole wasn't a whole lot of help, was it?!? You are going to have to step on that , and you just know what will happen next! That Coconut is going to start rolling in your direction. And you can tell that it will be moving faster than you can with these Springz slowing you down. There is no way you can rid of them, either ... no Spikez nearby. Is there any chance you can get out of its path? (Even if only briefly!?!) "Don't let me die! Please, don't let me die!" There is nothing to do, but see if your solution workz. If it worked, you can now hop along towardz the blue wormhole ahead of you.
Free (of those Springz!) as a bird! You head toward your at the edge of the north-south corridor. You have a few 'errandz' to run before you satisfy it. It is time to go after that Warp letter W. With it in your possession, you make your way back. When the z become z, you move forward and go through the northern blue wormhole. You are in the area where Gauntletz had to bypass a Coin because he couldn't fly (like you can). If you have to hover too long in order to get it, you will be unable to complete your journey. Perhapz it would be wise to SAVE here, in case the timing is against you! Do not save again until you manage to return to the other blue wormhole! Go through the remaining blue wormhole, and get a fresh set of Wingz. Do your best to walk rather than take wing, so that you don't use up this pair, too! Head across the Bridge and cross the small pool to pick up the Coin, using as many stepping stonez as possible to shorten your flight. Be just as efficeint on your way back (even though two of the stonez are now gone). Wait besidez the field of Arrowz. Your buddiez will clear the way for you, so that you don't have to use those fragile wingz.
, and  |
Almost there! All you have to do is cross that Bridge ahead of you. (Well, maybe a bit more than that!) It lookz like that defender Sword Grunt isn't going to give up those Coinz without a fight. You can- gang up on him, or
- have Shovel try to turn that Mound
into a Hole before he usez that 'butter knife' twice on anyone. Do whatever is necessary to pick up the prize you earned, then satisfy the three z.
You may have enough 'wing power' in the onez you have right now to cross the Bridge and get the Coin that was surrounded by z (one of them is now a ). If you make it across safely, be prepared to suddenly find yourself walking (on the way back)! Get the prize, then get the Wingz; or get the Wingz and get the prize (and come back) and satisfy your . Your final(?) task is to go activate the Blue Toggle Switch by crossing the partial Bridgez over the water and lava. (You may have the honor of flying to get the Warpstone, and carrying it to the King's Fortress.)
Paddle over to the island with the ToobSpikez, and activate the Blue Toggle Switch . Your work is done!
or  |
Go stand on the . Your work is done! (The other Grunt can 'arm wrestle' with the Wingz Grunt for the honor of picking up the Warpstone.)
Warpstone |
When you pick up the Warpstone, you have to continue across the Bridge to a .
Press it to see what happenz! When you are sure you know the route to follow, press it again.
You pick up the last Coin along the way while carrying your burden to the King�z Fortress.